Analysis of the effect deformations of individual components of gearbox on hers total lifetime
S Gramblička1, R Kohaacute;r1, R Madaj1 and M Vrabec1
1University Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Designing and
Machine Components, Univerzitnaacute; 8215/1, 01026 Žilina, Slovakia
Abstract. The article deals with the influence of deformations of the individual components of the gearbox as well as their influence on the correctness of the gearing, which is essential for the correct functioning of the gearbox and its overall service life. In the next section the article deals with the effect of the gearbox deformation on the contact of the gears and the effect on the final life of the gearbox. The article it contains processing the computational model of gearbox, strength analysis gearbox, contact analysis of the selected toothed gears, taking into account the deformation of the teeth, shafts and the gearbox. The results of the work is overview size of influence individual components of gearbox on their service life.
1. Introduction
Toothed gears form an important group of transmissions. They are extensively used throughout the machine industry, but also in other mechanical devices where input parameters change to the required working values. The correctness of the well-designed gearbox is achieved in a very precise way, taking into account the effect of the deformations of the individual components of the gearbox resulting from the operating load. Due to the high input performance and the effort to reduce the weight of the individual parts of the gear, the gearboxes become heavy and so their weight is resolved by optimizing cross-sections, resulting in greater flexibility of the cabinet at the same load. It is necessary to highlight the fact, that the overalls rigidity and weight of the gearbox also affects the material of cubicle especially for devices designed for example: to speed races, where weight is a key parameter, thus increasing the cabinet flexibility requirement.
2. Input parameters of the gearbox
The subject of the research is a two-stage front planet gearbox comprising three sloping toothed gearing, wich is designed for the drive system the crane.
Table 1. Basic parameters of the gearbox.
Parameter |
size |
Maximum input performance [kW] |
20 |
Maximum input shaft rpm [min-1] |
938 |
Computational lifetime [hod] |
over 100 000 |
Operating temperature [°C] |
max. 60 |
Oil filling |
synthetic gear oil |
3. Creation computing model of the gearbox by software KISSsoft a KISSsys
The researched two-speed gearbox is modeled in a program that primarily focuses on dimensioning of the machine parts. This is computer software from the company KISSsoft. The software is divided into two parts. The first part consists of the KISSsys program, which serves to calculate the mechanisms kinematics and counts all other unknown variables from the initial input data. The second part consists of the KISSsoft program, which subsequently applies the acquired parameters for calculating the individual elements of the assembly, such as for example strength calculations of the individual parts of the gear unit. In KISSsoft the individual parts of the gearbox acquire its dimensions and mechanical properties. The Creation a model of parts of the gearbox runs on the program KISSsoft in the individual subprogram. After entering all the necessary data, KISSsoft will subsequently execute the selected calculations, which will be saved in the model main assembly in the program KISSsys. The data obtained will be followed by the whole model, where after the calculations have been completed, a technical report containing all the model information, all the solved calculations, the safety results and the lifetime of the individual elements will be created.
Figure 1. The resulting calculation model of the gearbox in KISSsys and the gearbox diagram.
3.1. The Geometric and strength calculation of gearings, shafts and bearings
The program works with its own databases of material data, standardized parts and lubricating fluids, which are gradually being expanded and updated. The program KISSsoft contains computational equations compiled from valid norms, in which it allow users to define variables according to the assembled model. The program allows a user to define specific component dimensions, material choice, operating conditions and also a specific method of strength calculation based on the current valid norm. As a result of this calculation, there is an extensive technical report containing all the information about the model and the parameters used, along with the calculations a graphics processing.
4. Strength analysis of the gearbox
The gearbox analysis was done using the ANSYS Workbench numerical calculation software based on the princpe Finite Element Method. This a method consists in dividing the solve body into the set of finite elements interconnected at the node points. The finite element method at the individual nodal point resolves the size of the shifts, deformations, and stresses.
4.1. Creating a 3D model, FEM mesh and defining a boundary conditions of the gearbox cabinet. The 3D model of the gearbox was created using the software Creo parametric. Transmission housing construction has a welded character and consists of two parts. Belonging of a gea
S Gramblička1, R Kohaacute;r1, R Madaj1 and M Vrabec1
Zilina大学,机械工程系,机械设计制造专业,Univerzitnaacute; 8215/1, 01026 Žilina, Slovakia电子邮件
齿轮是变速器的重要组成部分。它们在整个机械行业中广泛使用,也被广泛用于输入参数变化到所需工作值的其他机械设备中。考虑到运行载荷对变速箱各个部件的变形的影响, 因此需要以精确的方式来设计良好的变速箱。为了达到高输入性能和减轻齿轮各个部件的重量,变速箱变得很重,因此需要通过优化横截面来解决它们的重量的影响,从而在相同负载下提供更大的灵活性。有必要强调的是,变速箱的刚度和重量也会影响隔间的材料,特别是设计要求高的装置,例如:加速比赛,其中重量是关键参数,因此增加了机壳的灵活性要求。
参数 大小 最大输入性能[kW] 20 最大输入轴转速[min-1] 938 计算寿命[hod] 超过10万 工作温度[°C] 最大60 注油 合成齿轮油 |
图1. KISSsys中变速箱的计算模型和变速箱图
3.1 齿轮、轴和轴承的几何和强度计算
使用基于princpe有限元方法的ANSYS Workbench数值计算软件完成变速箱分析。这种方法包括将求解体划分为在节点处互连的有限元集合。单个节点处的有限元方法解决了位移,变形和应力的大小。
4.1 创建3D模型,FEM网格并定义变速箱的边界条件
变速箱的3D模型是使用Creo参数化软件创建的。变速器壳体结构具有焊接特性,由两部分组成。变速箱的属性也是它们的覆盖,这对整体刚度的提升有积极作用。变速箱的型号是简化形式,它意味着:不包含用于螺钉连接的焊缝和孔。在此之后,将组装的模型以格式步骤导入ANSYS Workbeanch计算程序。通过程序应用,定义了变速箱的材料特性,即各向同性材料,杨氏弹性模量为2 * 105MPa,泊松数为0.3。使用布尔运算,变速箱机壳被当做一个整体的组件,因此,螺杆连接中没有预加载。因为假设螺钉连接在变速箱的两个连接部分之间产生了足够刚性的连接。通过体积体的数值计算,ANSYS Workbeanch将已解决的体积划分为最终元素。为了使计算正确,必须确保网络同质性,这意味着,连续的最终元素具有共同的边界节点。在我们的例子中,通过上述函数Boolean创建了这种同质性。在Curvature上选择机械,尺寸功能的网络设置和它在Fine上的柔软度(密度)。通过这种网格的全局设置,获得了足够密集的网格,其中包含252343个有限元和403569个节点用于计算。
图2.描述FEM mash
4.2 强度分析和安全系数的结果
FEM的分析揭示了等效应力(Von Mises)及其作用位置的最大值。应力集中位于变速箱与支撑框架的锚定点。由于变速箱的简化模型,是在附件边缘和机机壳框架(锋利边缘)上的集中位置。已经发现该位置处的最大电压的大小为sigma;max= 4779MPa。
变速箱机壳由结构钢制成,标有EN S355J2标准。它是一种可焊接的非合金结构钢,所选材料的机械性能值定义为抗拉强度Rm = 470 - 630 MPa,最小特征应力为je Re = 345 - 355兆帕,材料厚度应为40 mm。变速箱静态加载,允许静态张力sigma;Dt= 140-210MPa。选择手工焊接系数为alpha;= 0.7,然后焊接部位允许的实际张力值为98MPa。具有最高应力集中的焊缝的安全系数是k = 2,05。从上述计算得出的焊接安全性可以得出操作载荷的结论,即大多数焊接部位的强度是合适的。由于轴承中反作用力的影响,变速箱变形了。在图5中示出了变速箱面向无负载状态的位移。在这个位置,无负载条件下的最大位移尺寸为0.011 mm。
5.1 没有轴变形时的系数KHbeta;的定义
软件KISSsoft包括几种定义系数KHbeta;的方法。如果该值已知,则可以手动输入,这是第一种方法。定义系数的另一种方法是,根据使用的计算范数,在这种情况下,它是特定标准DIN 3990方法B(方法C),它与标准ISO 6336方法B有关,因此它包含近似程序。对于接触分析,选择了第三个传动装置,它包括一个z4,一个中轴的小齿轮和一个齿轮和一个z6输出轴轮。当根据DIN标准确定KHbeta;系数时,包括小齿轮轴的尺寸,但不包括在这种情况下的从动轴几何形状。规定的小齿轮轴值是轴承l之间的距离,小齿轮距轴承s之间的距离中心的距离和轴承d之间的轴的外径。标准考虑的另一个参数是小齿轮轴类型。这是基于标准ISO 6336(类型a和e一样)定义的。计算第三齿轮的KHbeta;系数的值是l = 243mm,s = 70,5mm,d = 62,256mm。通过这样定义的值,系数定义为KHbeta;= 1,1525。在该计算中,仅考虑小齿轮轴的几何形状,不包括输出轴的几何形状。由于负载,车轮的齿弹性变形。
最小 最大 |
传输误差[mu;m] -35,849 -31,093 |
业绩损失[W] 53,061 142,002 |
接触表面的温度[°C] 61,975 110,58 |
润滑层的厚度[mu;m] 0,046 0,300 |
接触应力的赫兹[MPa] 2183,664 |
针对出现微印的安全性 0,164 |
耐磨损安全性 12,277 |
载荷/无载荷下齿轮持续时间的系数2,753 / 2,660 |
传动效率 98,87 |
5.2 具有轴变形的系数KHbeta;的定义
齿轮传递性能导致轴上的应力和扭矩负载导致其弹性变形。这些偏差可能会影响齿轮的啮合,从而影响齿侧的载荷分布。 KHbeta;系数的更精确定义是标准ISO 6336-1附录E的应用。该标准的附录E考虑了齿轮的平行轴线之间的齿宽上的载荷分布。该方法着重于最重要的偏差,即轴的弯曲和扭曲以及轮齿的弹性变形。 KHbeta;系数的确定是在标准ISO 6336-1附录E的基础上进行的,其中考虑了小齿轮轴的弯曲,车轮弯曲和齿弯曲。小齿轮在齿轮下的轴偏转值为0.0852mm,齿轮下方的输出轴偏转值为0.0634mm。小齿轮轴中齿轮的扭转角度大小为0.0016°,输出轴在齿轮位置的扭转角度大小为0.0126°。该计算未考虑制造公差。在这种情况下,KHbeta;的系数值是1,2155。
最小 最大 |
传输误差[mu;m] -35,847 -31,072 |
业绩损失[W] 46,805 132,954 |
接触表面的温度[°C] 61,987 94,959 |
润滑层的厚度[mu;m] 0,048 0,43 |
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