
 2022-01-18 22:39:58


Emerging technologies and research challenges for intelligenttransportation systems: 5G, HetNets, and SDN


With the rapid advance of the intelligent transportation system (ITS), the vehicular networks have a potential importance. Currently, these networks are suffering amajor challenge due to the widespread demand for servicesassociated with shipping safer, more efficient, cheaper, info-tainment, and more sustainable. Researchers and companiesare working to generate novel applications. Intelligent Transportation Systems that aim to reorganize the operation ofvehicles. With the need for technological convergence incommunications, it is necessary to refer of vehicular heterogeneous, autonomous, flexible and programmable networks.New emerging technologies open up interesting gaps forresearch and development of future networks. In this paper,we present an overview on wireless technologies and potential challenges to provide vehicle-to-x connectivity; such asthe connected vehicles or self-driving cars, that will be thefirst robots that have a direct effect on the daily lives of millions of people. Particularly, we examine the 5G architecturedesigned with Software Defined Networking and their rolein Heterogeneous Networks.

Keywords Vehicular networks · ITS · 5G · SDN ·Heterogeneous networks

1 Introduction

With the rapid advance of the Intelligent TransportationSystem (ITS), the vehicular networks have an importancepotential. Currently, these networks are suffering a majorchallenge due to the widespread demand for services associated with shipping safer, more efficient, cheaper, andmore sustainable. New technologies are been incorporated.Auto makers are expected to market several vehicle models with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connectivity within a fewyears with a subsequent presence of autonomous vehicles(Connected Vehicle or Connected Car) on highways withina decade [1–3]. Transportation systems are increasinglystressed all around the world, mainly in urban and suburbanareas, and there is a strong need to enhance them. The evolution of mobile communication is driven by the definitionof next generation services and interrelated requirements.Vehicular wireless networks are one of the most importantenabling technologies required to implement many applications related to vehicles, vehicle traffic, drivers, passengersand pedestrians, infrastructure [1,4]. In recent years, trafficcongestions and accidents, aswell as environmental pollutionproduced by road traffic and fuel consumption have becomesignificant global problems. Both developing and developedcountries are represented by traffic problems. High trafficaccident rates claim huge losses of life and property. TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) reported that more than100million people die in traffic accidents worldwide, and theresultant economic losses are up to $500 billion each year [5].Moreover, traffic congestion in urban areas decreases the efficiency of transportation systems, and hence delays economicgrowth. Safety and efficiency of current transportation systems have area for significant improvements. Researchers,academics, and companies are working to generate novelapplications. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) thataim to reorganize the operation of vehicles, manage vehicletraffic, assist drivers with safety/security and other information. The intelligence is developed by the ability of thesystem to react using technology: cyber-physical systems:sensors and information processing, hardware-software integration, cyber-physical behaviour, data analytics, computernetworking, etc. [2,6]. This effort has been complementedwith standardization around the world, which aims to setthe guiding principles, requirements, and specific cases. Thesolutions for communication systems primarily involve vehicles and users within vehicles. Such innovations will createnew challenges for ITS professionals concerning the design,development, operation, and maintenance of ITS infrastructure.

There is a big interest surrounding vehicular networksdue to the applications, their potential benefits, challenges,emerging technologies and scale of the solutions [1,4].Among technical challenges to be overcome, high mobil-ity of vehicles, wide range of relative speeds between nodes,real-time nature of applications, and a multitude of systemand application related requirements can be listed. In thefuture, we will be hyperconnected: anywhere, anytime, viaany device. Within characteristic research frameworks, keychallenges for 5G are being identified and explored. Nextgeneration systems of telecommunications are projected toenable brand new classes of services, required by emergingvertical markets, including Machine Type Communication(MTC), vehicle to X (V2X) communication and Internet ofThings (IoT) traffic, cloud services and virtualization, Fig. 1shows this aspect [4,7].

New generation networks enable a series of revolutionary applications. The development of new communicationsystems is related to the interaction between objects, vehicles, machines, and infrastructure, In addition to the industry.Very fast systems are required for the interaction of man-

Fig. 1 Vehicle connected to X

ufacturing processes, as well as for intelligent transportsystems. 5G, Tactile Internet and other paradigms, currently disruptive, will allow better design, faster, with betterquality, with less cost and under restrictions that allow ecological sustainability. The Tactile Internet will enhance theway of communication and lead to more realistic socialinteraction in innumerable environments: automation industry, autonomous driving, robotics, and healthcare. [8–10]Networks allow interactive design from remote elementsmanagement, applications and remote design-teleoperationand telepresence (teleoperation, teler



Emerging technologies and research challenges for intelligent transportation systems: 5G, HetNets, and SDN


With the rapid advance of the intelligent transportation system (ITS), the vehicular networks have a potential importance. Currently, these networks are suffering a major challenge due to the widespread demand for services associated with shipping safer, more efficient, cheaper, info-tainment, and more sustainable. Researchers and companies are working to generate novel applications. Intelligent Transportation Systems that aim to reorganize the operation of vehicles. With the need for technological convergence in communications, it is necessary to refer of vehicular heterogeneous, autonomous, flexible and programmable networks. New emerging technologies open up interesting gaps for research and development of future networks. In this paper, we present an overview on wireless technologies and potential challenges to provide vehicle-to-x connectivity; such as the connected vehicles or self-driving cars, that will be the first robots that have a direct effect on the daily lives of millions of people. Particularly, we examine the 5G architecture designed with Software Defined Networking and their role in Heterogeneous Networks.

Keywords Vehicular networks · ITS · 5G · SDN · Heterogeneous networks

1 Introduction

With the rapid advance of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), the vehicular networks have an importance potential. Currently, these networks are suffering a major challenge due to the widespread demand for services associated with shipping safer, more efficient, cheaper, and more sustainable. New technologies are been incorporated. Auto makers are expected to market several vehicle models with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connectivity within a few years with a subsequent presence of autonomous vehicles (Connected Vehicle or Connected Car) on highways within a decade [1–3]. Transportation systems are increasingly stressed all around the world, mainly in urban and suburban areas, and there is a strong need to enhance them. The evolution of mobile communication is driven by the definition of next generation services and interrelated requirements. Vehicular wireless networks are one of the most important enabling technologies required to implement many applications related to vehicles, vehicle traffic, drivers, passengers and pedestrians, infrastructure [1,4]. In recent years, traffic congestions and accidents, aswell as environmental pollution produced by road traffic and fuel consumption have become significant global problems. Both developing and developed countries are represented by traffic problems. High traffic accident rates claim huge losses of life and property. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that more than 100million people die in traffic accidents worldwide, and the resultant economic losses are up to $500 billion each year [5]. Moreover, traffic congestion in urban areas decreases the efficiency of transportation systems, and hence delays economic growth. Safety and efficiency of current transportation systems have area for significant improvements. Researchers, academics, and companies are working to generate novel applications. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that aim to reorganize the operation of vehicles, manage vehicle traffic, assist drivers with safety/security and other information. The intelligence is developed by the ability of the system to react using technology: cyber-physical systems: sensors and information processing, hardware-software integration, cyber-physical behaviour, data analytics, computer networking, etc. [2,6]. This effort has been complemented with standardization around the world, which aims to set the guiding principles, requirements, and specific cases. The solutions for communication systems primarily involve vehicles and users within vehicles. Such innovations will create new challenges for ITS professionals concerning the design, development, operation, and maintenance of ITS infrastructure.

There is a big interest surrounding vehicular networks due to the applications, their potential benefits, challenges, emerging technologies and scale of the solutions [1,4]. Among technical challenges to be overcome, high mobil-ity of vehicles, wide range of relative speeds between nodes, real-time nature of applications, and a multitude of system and application related requirements can be listed. In the future, we will be hyperconnected: anywhere, anytime, via any device. Within characteristic research frameworks, key challenges for 5G are being identified and explored. Next generation systems of telecommunications are projected to enable brand new classes of services, required by emerging vertical markets, including Machine Type Communication (MTC), vehicle to X (V2X) communication and Internet of Things (IoT) traffic, cloud services and virtualization, Fig. 1 shows this aspect [4,7].

New generation networks enable a series of revolutionary applications. The development of new communication systems is related to the interaction between objects, vehicles, machines, and infrastructure, In addition to the industry. Very fast systems are required for the interaction of man-

Fig. 1 Vehicle connected to X

ufacturing processes, as well as for intelligent transport systems. 5G, Tactile Internet and other paradigms, currently disruptive, will allow better design, faster, with better quality, with less cost and under restrictions that allow ecological sustainability. The Tactile Internet will enhance the way of communication and lead to more realistic social interaction in innumerable environm



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