作者:Peter J.Brockwell ,Richard A.Davis
出处:Peter J.Brockwell ,Richard A.Davis. Time Series:Theory and Methods[M].2rd.America: Springer,2008.274-289.
9.1 非平稳时间序列的ARIMA模型
例9.1.1. {}是一个ARIMA(1,1,0)进程,如果对于某些(-1,1),
9.2 鉴定技术
(a) 初步转变.第8章中描述的估计方法使我们能够找到对于给定的p和q值,用ARMA(p,q)模型来拟合给定的一系列数据.为了使这个过程有意义,数据实际上是ARMA过程的实现,特别是它是平稳过程的实现,这至少是合理的.如果数据显示的特征表明非平稳性(如趋势性和季节性),则可能需要进行转换,以产生更符合平稳性假设的新序列.
变化性在序列水平上具有依赖性,在这种情况下,应首先转换数据以减少或消除这种依赖性.例如,图9.7显示了Box和Jenkins(1976)的国际航空公司的乘客数据{ 144}.从图中可以清楚地看出,变异性随着的增加而增加.另一方面,如图9.8所示,转换后的序列=在中,不显示增加的可变性.当{}是标准差随均值线性增加的级数时,这里使用的对数变换实际上是合适的.为了系统地描述一类一般的方差稳定变换,我们让读者参考Box和Cox(1964)变换.一般Box-Cox变换的定义方程是
(i) 将序列“经典分解”为趋势分量、季节分量和随机剩余分量
(b) 识别问题.设{}表示(a)中所述的校正后的平均横截面级数.现在的问题是找到最满意的ARMA(p,q)模型来表示{}.如果事先知道p和q,这将是第8章中开发的估计技术的直接应用.然而,通常情况并非如此,因此也有必要确定p和q的适当值.
乍一看,选择的p和q值越高,拟合模型就越好.例如,如果我们拟合一个AR(p)过程序列,p=1,2,...最大似然估计通常随着p的增加而单调减少(见表9.2).但是,我们必须注意过度装配的危险,即根据观察到的特定数字过密地调整装配.如果我们拟合由模型=a bt ,(其中{}是标准正态随机变量的独立序列)生成的99到100次观测值的多项式,就会出现过度拟合的极端情况.这种拟合对于给定的数据集是完美的,但是使用该模型预测未来的值可能会导致严重的误差.
其中L()是高斯ARMA模型下数据的可能性,参数()和S()是第8.7节中定义的平方和的残差.在第9.3节给出的分析基础上,选择的模型是使AICC值最小的模型.直观地,我们可以把(9.2.1)中的2(p q l)n/(n-p-q-2)看作一个惩罚项来阻止过度参数化.一旦找到一个使AICC值最小化的模型,就必须检查它的拟合优度(基本上是通过检查残差是否像白噪声一样),如第9.4节所述.
sect;9.1 ARIMA Models for Non-Stationary Time Series
We have already discussed the importance of the class of ARMA models for representing stationary series. A generalization of this class, which incorporates a wide range of non-stationary series, is provided by the ARIMA processes, i.e. processes which, after differencing finitely many times, reduce to ARMA processes.
Definition 9.1.1 (The ARIMA(p, d, q) Process). If d is a non-negative integer, then {} is said to be an ARIMA(p, d, q) process if , is a causal ARMA(p, q) process.
This definition means that {} satisfies a difference equation of the form
where and are polynomials of degrees p and q respectively and 0 for 1. The polynomial has a zero of order d at z = 1. The process {} is stationary if and only if d = 0, in which case it reduces to an ARMA(p, q) process.
Notice that if d1 we can add an arbitrary polynomial trend of degree (d-1) to {} without violating the difference equation (9.1.1). ARIMA models are therefore useful for representing data with trend (see Sections 1.4 and 9.2). It should be noted however that ARIMA processes can also be appropriate for modelling series with no trend. Except when d = 0, the mean of {} is not determined by equation (9.1.1) and it can in particular be zero. Since for d1, equation (9.1.1) determines the second order properties of {} but not those of {} (Problem 9.1), estimation of 、 and will be based on the observed differences ,Additional assumptions are needed for prediction (see Section 9.5).
EXAMPLE 9.1.1. {} is an ARIMA(1, 1, 0) process if for some (-1,1),
We can then write
A realization of {} with X0 = 0, = .8 and = 1 is shown in Figure 9.1 toget
sect;9.1 ARIMA Models for Non-Stationary Time Series
We have already discussed the importance of the class of ARMA models for representing stationary series. A generalization of this class, which incorporates a wide range of non-stationary series, is provided by the ARIMA processes, i.e. processes which, after differencing finitely many times, reduce to ARMA processes.
Definition 9.1.1 (The ARIMA(p, d, q) Process). If d is a non-negative integer, then {} is said to be an ARIMA(p, d, q) process if , is a causal ARMA(p, q) process.
This definition means that {} satisfies a difference equation of the form
where and are polynomials of degrees p and q respectively and 0 for 1. The polynomial has a zero of order d at z = 1. The process {} is stationary if and only if d = 0, in which case it reduces to an ARMA(p, q) process.
Notice that if d1 we can add an arbitrary polynomial trend of degree (d-1) to {} without violating the difference equation (9.1.1). ARIMA models are therefore useful for representing data with trend (see Sections 1.4 and 9.2). It should be noted however that ARIMA processes can also be appropriate for modelling series with no trend. Except when d = 0, the mean of {} is not determined by equation (9.1.1) and it can in particular be zero. Since for d1, equation (9.1.1) determines the second order properties of {} but not those of {} (Problem 9.1), estimation of 、 and will be based on the observed differences ,Additional assumptions are needed for prediction (see Section 9.5).
EXAMPLE 9.1.1. {} is an ARIMA(1, 1, 0) process if for some (-1,1),
We can then write
A realization of {} with X0 = 0, = .8 and = 1 is shown in Figure 9.1 together with the sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions.
A distinctive feature of the data which suggests the appropriateness of an ARIMA model is the slowly decaying positive sample autocorrelation function seen in Figure 9.1. If therefore we were given only the data and wished to find an appropriate model it would be natural to apply the operator =1-B repeatedly in the hope that for some j, {} will have a rapidly decaying sample autocorrelation function compatible with that of an ARMA process with no zeroes of the autoregressive polynomial near the unit circle. For the particular time series in this example, one application of the operator produces the realization shown in Figure 9.2, whose sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions suggest an AR(l) model for {}. The maximum likelihood estimates of and obtained from PEST (under the assumption that E()=0) are .808 and .978 respectively, giving the model,
which bears a close resemblance to the true underlying process,
Instead of differencing the series in Figure 9.1 we could proceed more directly by attempting to fit an AR(2) process as suggested by the sample partial autocorrelation function. Maximum likelihood estimation, carried out using the program PEST and assuming that E=0, gives the model,
which, although stationary, has coefficients which closely resemble those of the true non-stationary process (9.1.3).
From a sample of finite length it will be extremely difficult to distinguish between a non-stationary process such as (9.1.3) for which , and a process such as (9.1.4), which has very similar coefficients but for which has all of its zeroes outside the unit circle. In either case however, if it is possible by differencing to generate a series with rapidly decaying sample autocorrelation function, then the differenced data can be fitted by a low order ARMA process whose autoregressive polynomial has zeroes which are comfortably outside the unit circle. This means that the fitted parameters will be well away from the boundary of the allowable parameter set. This is desirable for numerical computation of parameter estimates and can be quite critical for some methods of estimation. For example if we apply the YuleWalker equations to fit an AR(2) model to the data in Figure 9.1, we obtain the model
which bears little resemblance to either the maximum likelihood model (9.1.4) or the true model (9.1.3). In this case the matrix appearing in (8.1.7) is nearly singular.
An obvious limitation in fitting an ARIMA(p, d, q) process {} to data is that {} is permitted to be non-stationary only in a very special way, i.e. by allowing the polynomial in the representation, to have a zero of positive multiplicity d at the point 1 on the unit circle. Such models are appropriate when the sample autocorrelation function of the data is a slowly decaying positive function as in Figure 9.1, since sample autocorrelation functions of this form are associated with models , in which has a zero either at or close to 1.
Sample autocorrelations with slowly decaying oscillatory behavior as in Figures 9.3 and 9.4 are associated with models, in which has a zero close to for some other than =0. Figure 9.3 was obtained from a sample of 200 simulated observations from the process,
for which has a zero near . Figure 9.4 shows the sample autocorrelation function of 200 observations from the process,
for which has zeroes near . In such cases the sample autocorrelations can be made to decay more rapidly by applying the operator to the data, instead of the operator (1 -B) as in the previous paragraph. If 2/ is close to some integers then the sample autocorrelation function will be nearly periodic with periods and the operator =(1-)(with zeroes near B ) can also be applied to produce a series with more rapidly decaying autocorrelation function (see also Section 9.6). The sample autocorrelation functions in Figures 9.3 and 9.4 are nearly periodic with periods 2 and 6 respectively. Applying the operators (1-) to the first series and (1-) to the second gives two new series with the much more rapidly decaying sample autocorr