
 2022-09-05 15:07:18

Debugging Android Apps

In this chapter, you will find out what to do when apps get buggy. You will learn how to use LogCat, Android Lint, and the debugger that comes with Eclipse.

To practice debugging, the first step is to break something. In, comment out the code in onCreate(Bundle) where you pull out mQuestionTextView.

Run GeoQuiz and see what happens.Figure 1.1 GeoQuiz is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.

Figure 1-1 the app crashes and burns

Figure 1.1 shows shows the message that appears when your app crashes and burns. Different versions of Android will have slightly different messages, but they all mean the same thing. Of course, you know what is wrong with your app, but if you did not, it might help to look at your app from a new perspective.

1.The DDMS Perspective

From the Eclipse menu, select Window→ Open P erspective → DDMS.

A perspective is a pre-defined set of views in Eclipse. You usually want to see different views when you are debugging than when you are editing, so Eclipse puts each set of views together into a perspective.

Perspectives are pre-defined, but they are not set in stone. You can add and remove views from any of them, and Eclipse will remember your choices. If you ever need to start fresh, you can return a perspective to its default state by choosing Window→ Reset Perspective...

The default perspective where you have been editing code is called the Java perspective. The perspectives that you currently have open are listed near the top-right of the Eclipse workbench, and you can click on those buttons to switch between them.

DDMS stands for Dalvik Debug Monitor Service. Behind the scenes, DDMS does the footwork for all Android debugging. The DDMS perspective includes LogCat and the Devices view.

The Devices view shows you which devices and virtual devices are connected to your computer. Problems you are having with a specific device can usually be solved in this view.

For example, is your device not showing up as an option when you run an application? Click the downward-pointing triangle at the top-right corner and select Reset adb. Often, rebooting adb will find your device. Or is LogCat showing output for the wrong device? No problem – click to select the device you want to see output from, and LogCat will switch to showing output from that device.

2.Exceptions and Stack Traces

Now back to your app rsquo;s problem. Expand the LogCat pane so that you can see what has happened. If you scroll up and down in LogCat, you should eventually find an expanse of red. This is a standard AndroidRuntime exception report.Figure 2-1 Exception and stack trace in LogCat。

Figuer2-1 Exception and stack trace in LogCat

The report tells you the top-level exception and its stack trace, then the exception that caused that exception and its stack trace, and so on and so forth until it finds an exception with no cause.

In most of the code you will write, that last exception with no cause is the interesting one. Here the exception without a cause is a java.lang.NullPointerException. The line just below this exception is the first line in its stack trace. This line tells

you the class and method where the exception occurred as well as what file and line number the exception occurred on.Double-click this line, and Eclipse will take you to that line in your source code.

The line to which you are taken is the first use of the mQuestionTextView variable, inside updateQuestion(). The name NullPointerException gives you a hint to the problem: this variable was not initialized.

Uncomment the line initializing mQuestionTextView to fix the bug.

When you run into runtime exceptions, remember to look for the last exception in LogCat and the first line in its stack trace that refers to code that you have written. That is where the problem occurs, and it is the best place to start looking for answers.

If a crash occurs on a device while it is not plugged in, all is not lost. The device will store the latest lines written to the log.The length and expiration of the stored log depends on the device, but you can usually count on retrieving log results within

ten minutes. Just plug in the device, pull up DDM S in Eclipse, and select your device in the Devices view. LogCat will fill itself with the stored log.

2.1 Diagnosing misbehaviors

Problems with your apps will not always be crashes. In some cases, they will be misbehaviors. For example, suppose that every time you pressed the Next button, nothing happened. That would be a non-crashing, misbehaving bug.

In, make a change to the mNextButton listener to comment out the code that increments mCurrentIndex.

Run GeoQuiz and press the Next button. You should see no effect.

This bug is trickier than the last bug. It is not throwing an exception, so fixing the bug is not a simple matter of making the exception go away. On top of that, this misbehavior could be caused in two different ways: the index might not be changing, or updateQuestion() might not be called.

If you had no idea what was causing the problem, you would need to track down the culprit. In the next few sections, you will see two ways to do this: diagnostic logging of a stack trace and using the debugger to set a breakpoint.

2.2 Logging stack traces

In QuizActivity, add a log statement to updateQuestion().

The Log.d(String, String, Throwable) version of Log.d logs the entire stack trace just like with the AndroidRuntime exception you saw earlier. Th



本章将学习如何处理应用bug。同时也会学习如何使用LogCat、Android Lint以及Eclipse内置的代码调试器。



图 1-1 应用崩溃


1.DDMS 应用调试透视图

在Eclipse中,选择Window → Open Perspective → DDMS菜单项打开DDMS透视图。


预定义的透视图并非不可改变。我们可以通过添加和移除视图来重新定制透视图,Eclispe会自动记住这些调整。如需重新开始调整,单击Window → Reset Perspective...菜单项返回透视图的初始状态即可。


DDMS(Dalvik Debug Monitor Service,调试监控服务工具)在后台处理Android应用调试所需的全部底层工作。DDMS透视图主要包含了LogCat以及Devices视图。


比如说,运行应用时在Devices视图中找不到自己的设备?很容易解决,单击视图右上角向下的小三角图标,然后在弹出的菜单中选择Reset adb选项。一般来说,重启adb就可以找回所用设备。或者LogCat输出了其他设备的日志信息?没问题,在视图中点选当前工作的设备,LogCat会切换并显示该设备的日志输出。



图 2-1 LogCat的异常与栈追踪



Eclipse 定 位 的 这 行 代 码 是 mQuestionTextView 变 量 在 onCreate() 方 法 中 的 首 次 使 用 。





2.1 诊断应用异常





 mCurrentIndex变量值没有改变;

 updateQuestion()方法没有调用成功。


 记录栈跟踪的诊断性日志;

 利用调试器设置断点调试。

2.2 记录栈跟踪日志


如同前面AndroidRuntime的异常,Log.d(String, String, Throwable)方法记录并输出整个栈跟踪信息。借助栈跟踪日志,可以很容易看出updateQuestion()方法在哪些地方被调用了。

作为参数传入 Log.d(...)方法的异常不一定是我们捕获的已抛出异常。创建一个新的Exception()方法,把它作为不抛出的异常对象传入该方法也是可以的。借此,我们得到异常发生位置的记录报告。




另一方面 ,既然有时 可以从栈跟 踪日志看出 代码的实际 使用意图, 在网站 http://stacko-verflow.com或者论坛http://forums.bignerdranch.com上寻求帮助时,附上一段栈跟踪日志往往有助于更快地解决问题。根据需要,我们既可以直接从LogCat中复制并粘贴日志内容,也可以选中要保存的内容,单击LogCat右上角的小软盘图标将它们保存到文本文件中。



2.3 设置断点

要 使 用 Eclispe 自 带 的 代 码 调 试 器 跟 踪 调 试 上 一 节 中 我 们 遇 到 的 问 题 , 首 先 需 要 在



启用代码调试器并触发已设置的断点,我们需要调试运行而不是直接运行应用。要调试运行应用,右键单击GeoQuiz项目,选择Debug As → Android Application菜单项。设备会报告说正在等待调试器加载,然后继续运行。



Eclipse 随 后 打 开 了 代 码 调 试 透 视 图 。 调 试 透 视 图 中 间 部 分 是 代 码 编 辑 视 图 。 可 以 看 到






绿色圆圈 公共变量;

 蓝色三角 默认变量(包内可见);

 黄色菱形 保护变量;

 红色正方形 私有变量。



代码看上去没问题。为继续追查,需跳出当前方法。单击Step Over按钮右边的Step Return按钮(为跳过助手方法access$1(QuizActivity),因此我们要单击Step Return按钮两次)。



 停止程序,选中DDMS设备视图中的程序运行进程,单击红色的停止按钮杀掉进程。

 断开调试器,在视调试图直接单击Disconnect按钮即可,如图4-8所示。



代码修复后,记得清除断点设置。选中变量视图旁的断点视图。(如看不到断点视图,可选择Window → Show View → Breakpoints菜单项打开)在断点视图中选择断点,单击视图上方的深灰色X按钮完成清除。


 记录栈跟踪诊断性日志;

 利用调试器设置断点调试。


栈跟踪记录的优点是,在同一日志记录中可以看到多处的栈跟踪信息;缺点是,必须学习如何添加日志记录方法,重新编译、运行并跟踪排查应用问题。相对而言,代码调试的方法更为方便。以调试模式运行应用后(选择Debug As → Android Application菜单项),可在应用运行的同时,在不同的地方设置断点,寻找解决问题的线索。

2.4 使用异常断点

如一时无法设置合适的断点,我们仍然可以使用调试器来捕捉异常。在QuizActivity.java中,再次注释掉mQuestionTextView变量的赋值语句。选择Run → Add Java Exception Breakpoint...





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