原文作者 Jinzhu Ma,Xue Han
关键词:大学生就业; 心理因素; 措施。
- 介绍
针对当前大学生就业问题[1][1],不同的人有不同的意见。 有专家认为,先进的教育模式是非常必要的,也是社会发展的必要性; 有专家认为,就业问题是由产业结构调整不当。 另一方面,人事制度改革不适合现代形式。 我认为就业率低的最重要原因大学毕业生率高是大学生就业心理不协调政府和学校以及社会的就业情况。
1.1 新时期海外大学生就业情况
1.2 中国大学生就业情况
对我国大学生就业问题进行了深入研究。中国专家学者们分析了中国社会发展和经济结构的数量和数量。我国毕业生供给结构全面适应新形势。研究发现认为:“劳动力需求缓慢与社会劳动力快速增长之间的矛盾力是人才的社会需求与人才输出的矛盾。”[2] 还有一些学者认为就业政策和就业网络不完善社会制度不完善也会导致大学生毕业后就业问题,他们认为就业信息必须保证畅通,覆盖网络必须完善才能保证大学生就业,否则会影响大学生就业毕业生。国内学者分析宏观和微观条件对就业的影响高校毕业生,探讨各因素对就业的利弊对新形势下的大学生,做详细的研究和见解。
2.1 毕业生人数持续增加
2.2 毕业生就业率下降
近年来,高校毕业生就业率不断上升,就业率呈下降趋势的大学毕业生人数,尽管工作数量在增加。 2014年高校毕业生就业率不足80%,毕业生毕业6个月后就业率达到84%。 2015年我国高校毕业生平均就业率仅为69%,2016年高校毕业生就业压力更大。调查研究显示,截至2016年6月,大学生整体就业率为37.5%[6]。
2.3 大学生就业率低会对社会造成危害
针对高校毕业生就业难的原因,笔者认为是分为外部环境和内部因素两个方面。 一方面是政府、学校和雇主等因素,例如政府采用的教育模式无法完全实施; 学校教学或学术专业设置不能适应时代的需要; 公司或机构过分重视工作经验和研究生教育。
3.1 外部环境因素
目前,中国第三产业仅占GDP的32.8%,而发达国家为68%,发展中国家为39%。美国第三产业占比79%,而在中国仅为 26.8% [8]。
3.2 内部因素
(1)思想品德整体下降。大学生盲目从众心理使大学生决定是否先从自己做起。从长远来看,他们会扭曲自己的人生价值观。(2)团队合作差。大学毕业生独生子女居多,自力更生影响深远 团队的合作能力较差。(3)大学生自身缺乏自力更生的思想和能力也是大学生就业难的重要原因。因为大学毕业生无法摆脱创业的风险和自身的能力,大多数大学生在毕业时都抱着找工作而不是创业的想法。
高校毕业生就业难的原因不仅在于高校毕业生的能力,还有一个更重要的因素。具体表现在:(1)思想与心理与现实脱节。大学毕业后,他觉得自己还处于以自我为中心的观念中。到了这个社会,就会体现出一种浮躁、盲目、脱离现实的状态。(2)按“严格要求”申请工作。学生毕业后,总是找行政机构,或者是热门职业,不愿意去企业,同时,他们都想选择去大城市,喜欢高薪低工资的工作,这是因为自己大学毕业生给自己设定的门槛太高,工作比例严重不协调,所以出现了大量的的毕业生“失业”现象。 (3)求职心理影响大学生就业。研究表明:在调查毕业生选择工作单位时,69.8%选择国企,其次是外资企业、事业单位和政府机关,比例分别为58%、57%和51%。如今毕业生的职业选择不断增加。大学生热衷择校,政府部门、小微企业面临无人问津的尴尬局面[9]。
4.1 政府和学校的合理调整
政府和社会:(1)加大对农村的投入力度,着力缩小城乡差距,着力发现和调整大学生结构性失业问题,针对基层单位劳动条件,工资,应采取相应的支持计划,在条件允许的范围内,在适当的范围内推广。(2)完善西部地区就业政策,以完善的福利待遇吸引大学生西部大开发,不仅缓解了东部地区人才过剩问题的同时,也从经济发展的角度发展了西部经济,实现了双赢模式。 (3)加大对企业等用人单位的监管力度,避免因薪水工资等简单因素导致大学生失业。
4.2 企事业单位
4.3 高校毕业生的自我提升
5. 总结
本文重点研究当代大学生就业现状。主要集中分析大学生就业难的原因,就业率低的原因及对当代大学生就业心理的影响政府和学校以及雇主的就业情况。 最后尝试放提出一些相应的建议,以帮助政府、学校、企业和学生。
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system of higher education in China is indeed [J].Modern education science, 2009, (6).
[4] 2009 University graduates employment tracking Micros monthly report (August results)
[5] Xie Yang. A survey of mental health status of college students in [N].China Youth Daily,
2011一03一31 (5).
[6] Wang Jing. College students difficulty in employment: cause analysis and countermeasure
thinking [J].Qinghai social science, 2007,(1).
[7] Shen Guoqi Chen Wan.The employment of college students
Analysis on the Employment Difficulty and Career Path of Contemporary College Students
Jinzhu Ma,Xue Han
School of Business, University of Jinan,Jinan,Shandong Provence, China, 250022
School of Mathematics, University of Jinan,Jinan,Shandong Provence, China, 250022
Keywords: College students employment; Psychology factors; Measures.
Abstract. China began to carry out large-scale enrollment of higher education in 1999. Chinas annual college graduates increased dramatically, resulting in a rapid increase in demand for jobs, leading to employment of university students showed more and more difficult, resulting in the accumulation of the number of unemployed college students. Through the employment of college students in the external environment factors and internal factors analysis, based on the type of employment, salary and other conditions of the area, we conclude that the government and schools should pay attention to the problem of employment of university students, and should take corresponding measures; At the same time, college students should establish a correct concept of employment, improve the basic ability and comprehensive quality.
1. Introduction
In view of the current employment problem of college students[1],Different people have different views. Some experts believe that the advanced education mode is very necessary, and is also the necessity of social development; some experts believe that the problem of employment is caused by improper adjustment of industrial structure. On the other hand, the system of personnel reform is not suitable for the contemporary form. I believe that the most important reason for the low employment
rate of college graduates is that the employment psychology of college students is not in harmony with the employment situation of the government and schools as well as the society.
1.1 Employment of college students in the new era abroad
Western economists have long paid attention to and studied the phenomenon of unemployment, and have also studied and analyzed the theory of unemployment. For example, Keyness previous unemployment theory, the premise of his unemployment theory is the private ownership of the means
of production, assuming that it is completely free competition. In the classical economic era, wages are varied according to the supply and demand of the labor force under the condition of free competition.
In recent years, the major Western capitalist countries of the state of the economy because of the economic crisis has entered a state of stagnation, some western economists to analyze and explain the phenomenon of unemployment from the angle of structure, from the perspective of the labor market incompleteness of the employment problem of college students think the differences between the labor force is difficult to replace.
1.2 Employment of college students in China
The problem of College Students employment in China has been studied in depth. Chinese expertsand scholars have analyzed Chinas social development and economic structure and the quantity and structure of the supply of graduates in an all-round way to the new situation in China. The study found that: 'the contradiction between the slow speed of labor demand and the fast growth of social labor force is the contradiction between the social demand of qualified personnel and the output of talents.”[2] as well as some scholars believe that the employment policy and Employment Network imperfect social system is not perfect can also lead to college students after graduation employment problems, they think the employment information must ensure smooth and cover network must improve in order to ensure the employment of college students, otherwise it will affect the employment of College graduates. Domestic scholars analyze the influence of macro and micro conditions on the employment of college graduates, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of all factors to the employment of college students in the new situation, and do detailed research and insights.
2. Analysis on the form of employment of contemporary college students
At the end of 2001,the problem of 'College Students employment difficulties' has always been the hottest topic of social discussion. Not only in China, but also in western countries, because this problem is related to the future of our motherland and to the economic development of our country, which is the lifeblood of our countrys economy. The present phenomenon is the concern of all countries and is the most important problem to be solved. Therefore, the employment of college students is also facing unprecedented challenges.
2.1 The number of graduates continues increasing
With the continuous development of the social economy, in particular the increasing population in recent years, the number of corresponding university graduates has also continued to increase.According to the Ministry of human resources and social statistics, in 2014, the number of university graduates in China was 7 million 270 thousand, 6 million 590 thousand in 2015 and 7 million 150 thousand in 2016. According to the Ministry of education, the annual college graduates will increase by 300 thousand. These are only graduates of the year, and the 'deposition' of the previous graduates will further increase the number of college students [3一4].
2.2 The decline in the employment ratio of graduates
In recent years, the employment rate of college graduates is decreasing due to the continuous increase of the number of college graduates even though the number of jobs is increasing. In 2014, the
employment rate of college graduates was less than 80%, and the empl