
 2023-05-17 10:17:25


Research Results

An Analysis of Patterns of the Bai Minorityrsquo;s Rural Old-Age Security System Related to Land Use Right Transfer of the Old-Age People in Jianchuan County.

1Social Pension Impacts: Family old-age care was a fine traditional old-age care model left over for thousands of years in China. When farmers were young, they not only raised their children, but also supported them when they were old. This was because the family security function was constantly weakening in Jianchuan county; moreover, their family pension was mainly resulted from the farmersrsquo; main old-age security form and more serious relationship with their rural social security system in Jianchuan county so that farmers had to rely on their traditional old-age security model.

Low Level of Old-Age Insurance in Rural Society and Lack of Sustainability: In terms of the rural social endowment insurances, it showed that the problems of low guarantee standards and the absence of government subsidies were mostly found in relatively-developed areas; otherwise, the pessimistic level of the farmersrsquo; social endowment insurance was compared with the higher capital incomes.

Small Coverage of Collective, Social Assistance amp; Commercial Pensions: Most of the rural nursing homes are empty, and the shortages of collective economyrsquo;s capacities were provided for all the poor farmersrsquo; old-age supports. In addition, social assistance could be provided for only a small proportion of the elderly with old-age security benefits, and the level of social assistance was rated at a lowest level, meanwhile the scope of social assistance was very narrow, compared with only 0.4 percent of the total elderly population. Also, it was obvious that the commercial oldage insurance was only suitable for rural residents with a higher income level in terms of the limited proportion of these rural residents.

An Analysis on Causes of Land Use Right Transfer of the Bai Minorityrsquo;s Old-Age People in Jianchuan County.

According to the supportive effects of the farmersrsquo; rural land use right transfer in Jianchuan county, the farmers attitudes towards their rural land use right transfer were noted that the farmersrsquo; old-age cares were all resulted in their part of the old-age security. Thus, in Jianchuan County, lands were still in an unshakable position in the old-age security of farmers, and a large part of the support of farmers old-age support was affected by their land income as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Attitudes of respondents towards land in 2018

Source: Cui Ying. Reflections on Rural Land Circulation in Yunnan Province (2016)

Land Supports for Farmers: 'What is your most important pension financial support right now?' In this question, the answer 'land income' was the most important old-age economic supports of 53.10%, and followed by 'agricultural income'. As only 7.08% of the social old-age insurance was the most important oldage economic supports, the commercial old-age insurance was rarely found. It was obvious that at present in Jianchuan County, their lands have played an absolute supporting role in the farmersrsquo; old-age security, and the main land was occupied. Also, the social and commercial old-age insurance system was rated at in a low-level status, and a very secondary position was only found in the old-age security of farmers.

According to the survey, it also showed that although the land income was considered one of the most important financial supports for the aged, some difficulties in relying solely on land income for the aged were mostly found, as shown in Figure

In addition to this, as indicated in Figure 3, burdens on farmersrsquo; grow income for the aged was rated at 74.78 %, and burdens on planting income were mostly supported for the aged. Therefore, although most farmersrsquo; planting income was an important source of old-age income, their planting income was not enough to support their entire old-age economy and their needs to supporting their old-age life through other sideline industries.

Figure 2 : Top Old-Aged Financial Supports in 2018

Figure 3 : Old-age support for the rural elderly from planting income in 2018

2) Land Endowment Status in Different Regions : The proportion of farmers found in the urban area was the highest, accounting for 79.59% of the total number of people living in the developed regions, meanwhile the proportion of farmers found in the urban area was the highest, accounting for 98.84% of the total number of people living in the urban area. In three different regions, the least supporting effect of land income on the aged was in the agricultural area or rural area. It was factual that the land income found in the agricultural area or rural area was not the most important source of the peasantsrsquo; old-age income because of their poor land income and small harvesting productivity. In the agricultural area or rural area, the most important source of the oldage income for the peasants was the non-agricultural income. Specifically, the income of sideline as agricultural income in relations to the farmersrsquo; collection of part-time jobs together with their pig-raising and chicken-raising were all supported. Therefore, the inadequate numbers of income supported for the rural familiesrsquo; old-age cares were mostly found in different regions. In this regard, the farmersrsquo; opinions on their rural social insurance was meaningful; on the other hands, 'rural insurance' supported for some farmers was meaningless because of sub-standard, dispenses, and irrelevance of current rural social insurances supported for their old-age care. In all regions, both land income and non-agricultural income were the most important old-age economic supports for farmer


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