Schemes of social insurance system
Dr. Zhaklina Peto, (PhD)
University of Tirana
Dr. Kestrin Katro, (PhD)
University of Tirana
In this article we will analyzed the social security schemes as important elements of this system but also to the individuals. Social security schemes have been established and developed for a very important purpose, to protect individuals and their families against the attack of social risks.
For the effect of organizing better social security, the Social Insurance System provides benefits to individuals divided into three groups, or otherwise termed, into three schemes:The scheme of special benefits. The scheme of general benefits. The scheme of unemployment.
Analysis of elements of these schemes is treated in detail by virtue of the basic principles of this system the directives of the Council of Europe, as well as international conventions.
Key words: social Insurance, Disease scheme, the scheme of work accident and occupational diseases, Pregnancy scheme, Pension scheme, Unemployment scheme.
Social Insurance Schemes have been considered as a component that have radically transformed the life of common people, because of the fact that these schemes assist the individual in the case of the loss of income resulting from injuries at work, sickness, unemployment or death contributing thus to protection of individual against the affect of complete poverty.
In the way towards this transformation, the schemes of social security have been assumed as the first pillars of security, which get into operation and replace the incomes during the period when the earnings of the individual are interrupted or minimized because of unemployment, sickness, invalidity, work accidents, occupational diseases, and old age.
In addition, protection of individuals against the above-mentioned events has been complemented by other protective schemes, such as the scheme of health insurance, which operates for needy individuals and also their dependents, etc.
The concept of social protection is progressively expanded followed by another very important and efficient system that of state welfare or otherwise known as “economic aid and social protection”. This system deals with the assistance and care of the state for those individuals who are in need. This system covers those families which have immediate need and have a wide impact on public opinion.
However, referring to the foregoing statement, it might be said that the efforts for helping the society in need are not limited here. The structure of social services for the benefit of needy individuals is extended to various services such as food, transport,social care, etc. which, when combined with the payment of incomes, alleviate the situation of individuals.
The structure of social services is not uniform. There are different systems in different countries, and also within the system itself this structure varies, for example, from rural to urban areas. This difference doesnrsquo;t intend to violate the rights of nationals of a country; it is related to the economic and political development and sometimes to cultural development of areas, which play different roles for both the organizational way and the administration of social insurance scheme. These factors, very frequently,allow different traditional schemes and also adaptive ones, which have a common aim,the establishment of new forms of economic support towards needy individuals.
However, it should be remembered that in whatever way a country is economically developed, needy people can never fulfill their needs to the required extent under the schemes of social insurance.
During the historical treatment of social security systems, it has been noticed gradual development of terminology, content and the purpose for the establishment of social protection systems up to date. Surely, the same can be said even for the composing schemes of social insurance system.
The first schemes of social insurance have been established for providing protection in case of employment injuries. Later, several schemes have been developed in different countries, which have been evaluated as very important with regard to their aims,for instance, in some countries the schemes of social insurance have considered as priority payments for health services, sickness insurance, or benefits for pregnant women, etc. and this is because of the fact that such services provide short-term benefits and consequently bring immediate effects on individuals, and resulting also in consolidation of the confidence of individuals towards these schemes especially of young workers while their concerns are related more to the present than to the future.
On the other side, special attention in the social insurance scheme is devoted to the category of old aged people and to the significance of establishing the foundations of an economic support not only for old people, but also for those persons that are obliged to retire earlier because of their health reasons.
Another thing related to social insurance schemes, which is to be underlined, is that they should be based on anticipated and developed programs taking into account both, the most urgent needs of a country and also organizational and administrative capacities of these programs in order to be more effective for individuals. Programs related to operation of schemes should be firmly based not only on the principle of universality but also on the principle of gender equality.
Based on above-mentioned principles, we must point out that these schemes should operate equally all over the territory of a country and provide equal benefits to all people regardless of gender or ethnicity. These obligations are pursuant to Article 1 of the “European Convention on
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