
 2022-08-06 11:24:25

Designing the Next Generation of Mobile Tourism Application based on Situation Awareness

Tek Yong Lim

Faculty of Computing and Informatics Multimedia University Cyberjaya, Malaysia tylim@mmu.edu.my

Abstract - Mobile tourism applications are changing the way travelers plan and experience tourism in the years to come. A large and growing body of literature has investigated the development of context awareness mobile applications for tourism industry. Various aspects of context awareness are studied and applied in tour guide companions and recommendation systems. However, these context awareness mobile applications do not improve travelerrsquo;s situation awareness especially in pre-visiting and during visiting phases. In other words, when using mobile applications, travelers may not perceive the situation correctly, fail to comprehend the situation or they are unable to anticipate the future development. This paper proposes a theoretical approach for designing mobile tourism applications using situation awareness. Three scenarios of traveler visiting experiences are presented and suitable designs for each scenario are discussed.

Keywords - situation awareness, mobile tourism application, context awareness, traveling phases.


By 2022, South East Asia is expected to attract 115 million international tourist generating US156 bn in foreign visitor spending [1]. To achieve this target, a usable online travel system is needed for promoting South East Asia. One third of the worlds travel sales will be completed via online travel system by the end of 2012 [2]. Smarter Travel, Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity and Kayak are listed as the current top five online travel systems [3]. Common features provided in these systems include booking options for flights, hotels, car rental, cruises, travel guides, and support. These systems will also be available in smart phones and Google projected that 8% of mobile users will use smart phones to make travel bookings in 2012 [4].

A smart phone is defined as a mobile phone that is equipped with a mobile operating system. The common mobile operating systems are: Applersquo;s iOS, Googlersquo;s Android, Microsoftrsquo;s Windows Phone and RIMrsquo;s BlackBerry OS. Instead of confining to simple activities such sending and receiving text, pictures and video messages, smart phone users are able to download various applications from application stores. Apple App Store is one of the biggest stores in the current market and there are 487 thousand mobile applications made available in the store [5]. Nearly 45% of these applications are free of charge for smart phone users. These

mobile applications include games (17.7%), books (10.4%) and travels (5.12%).

Initiatives have been established in order to increase the number of travel applications on smart phones. For instance, New South Wales government developed a collaborative solution program that awards fund for mobile development to support tourism industry. To date, this program has supported

11 projects, namely: Discovery Location Based Services, Knowhere, MeTag, MoveMe, Project worx, SAAS Mobile site enabler for SME Retail and Tourism, Smart City, Sydney Opera House Trust Mobile Application, Tapit, Taxi Apps, and Touchpoint [6].

  2. Mobile Tourism Applications

In general, these mobile tourism applications can be classified under two categories: tour guide companions and recommendation systems [7].

    1. Tour Guide Companions

A tour guide companion provides basic information about a place of interest. Travelers can enjoy interactive and personalized tours that match their interests. They can acquire better knowledge about the place (within walking distance) and explore the place at their own leisure using this application. Thus, mobile applications are equipped with pre-defined pathways to interesting sights (such as maps), multimedia information about interesting sights (such as photos, audio and video), and mobile positioning (such as current traveler locations and orientations).

An example of commercial tour guide companion is the popular Singapore Heritage Walking Tours (see Figure 1). This simple mobile application provides a walking city guide and allows traveler to learn about four popular destinations, namely: Arab Quarters, Boat Quay, Chinatown, and Little India. Using this tour guide companion, a traveler can listen to commentary as he/she explores the walk and at the same time, his/her current position is shown on the interactive maps [8].

978-1-4673-1734-4/12/$31.00 copy;2012 IEEE

Figure 1. Screenshots of a typical tour guide companion [8].

    1. Recommendation System

Recommendation systems, on the other hand, are for travelers to plan and select a suitable service option for their trip. This system calculates a travelerrsquo;s preference based on his/her profile and current mobile location. Typical services supported are recommending hotels, sightseeing, restaurants, and tour plans. So, when a traveler enters his/her pre-specified needs into a recommendation system, a list of services closely matched will be shown to him/her. Besides that, the traveler also can share his/her comment by submitting a new review.

TripAdvisorrsquo;s Hotels Flights Restaurants is an example of a commercial recommendation system (see Figure 2). This mobile application allows a traveler to discover a variety of nearby lodgings, eating places and local attractions. He/she can also sort and filter the recommended listings by price, distance and type [9]. For instance, once a traveler decided on a suitable restaurant for lunch, he/she would find the direction to the nearby restaurant and enjoy the local dishes. Typicall





关键词:旅游阶段 形势意识 移动旅游应用 情境感知


到2022年,东南亚预计将吸引1.15亿国际游客,产生1560亿美元的外国游客支出[1]。为了实现这一目标,需要一个可用的在线旅游系统来促进东南亚的发展。2012年底,全球三分之一的旅游销售将通过在线旅游系统完成[2]。Smarter Travel、Expedia、Orbitz、Travelocity和Kayak被列为当前五大在线旅游系统[3]。这些系统中提供的常见功能包括航班、酒店、汽车租赁、巡航、旅行指南和支持的预订选项。这些系统也将用于智能手机,谷歌预计,2012年8%的移动用户将使用智能手机进行旅游预订[4]。

智能手机是指配备有移动操作系统的手机。常见的移动操作系统有:苹果的iOS、谷歌的Android、微软的Windows Phone和RIM的黑莓操作系统。智能手机用户可以从应用商店下载各种应用程序,而不局限于发送和接收文本、图片和视频信息等简单的活动。苹果应用商店是目前市场上最大的商店之一,商店中有48.7万个移动应用程序[5]。其中近45%的应用程序对智能手机用户是免费的。这些移动应用包括游戏(17.7%)、书籍(10.4%)和旅行(5.12%)。

为了增加智能手机上的旅行应用程序数量,已经制定了一些举措。例如,新南威尔士州政府制定了一个协作解决方案计划,奖励移动发展基金,以支持旅游业。迄今为止,该计划已支持11个项目,即:探索定位服务、Knowhere、MeTag、MoveMe、Project worx、面向中小企业零售和旅游业的SAAS移动站点启用程序、智能城市、悉尼歌剧院信托移动应用程序、Tapit、出租车应用程序和接触点[6]。




1) 导游同伴





TripAdvisor的Hotels Flights餐厅就是一个商业推荐系统的例子(见图2)。这个移动应用程序允许旅行者发现附近的各种住宿、饮食场所和当地景点。他/她还可以按价格、距离和类型对推荐的列表进行排序和筛选[9]。例如,一旦旅行者决定了一家合适的餐厅作为午餐,他/她就会找到去附近餐厅的方向,享受当地的菜肴。通常,在旅行者决定寻找下一个活动之前,推荐系统是被动的。

  1. 新的旅游移动服务












3) 旅游后阶段





Tek Yong Lim

Faculty of Computing and Informatics

Multimedia University

Cyberjaya, Malaysia


Mobile tourism applications are changing the way travelers plan and experience tourism in the years to come. A large and growing body of literature has investigated the development of context awareness mobile applications for tourism industry. Various aspects of context awareness are studied and applied in tour guide companions and recommendation systems. However, these context awareness mobile applications do not improve travelers situation awareness especially in pre-visiting and during visiting phases. In other words, when using mobile applications, travelers may not perceive the situation correctly, fail to comprehend the situation or they are unable to anticipate the future development. This paper proposes a theoretical approach for designing mobile tourism applications using situation awareness. Three scenarios of traveler visiting experiences are presented and suitable designs for each scenario are discussed.

Keyword:traveling phases,situation awarenes,mobile tourism application ,context awareness


By 2022, South East Asia is expected to attract 115 million international tourist generating US156 bn in foreign visitor spending [1]. To achieve this target,



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