
 2022-11-12 19:39:54

Affice Space Allocation Optimization

Rui Pereira,Kevin Cummiskey and Rex Kincaid

Abstract-In large organizations, the allocation of buildingsnd office space to departments and employees is a challengingtask. Optimal office space allocation has the potential tomaximize synergies between employees within an organizationIn this paper, we study the performance of a greedy searchalgorithm and a tabu search algorithm for generating highuality solutions to the office space allocation problem. Theobjectives are to maximize synergies in the organization, minimize the overusage of limited office space and maximize thenumber of buildings and rooms that can be completely closed.Computational experiments show that a tabu search algorithmgenerates higher quality solutions than a greedy local searchalgorithm with the same computational budget.


In large rganizations, the allocation of buildings andffice space to departments and employees is a challengingtask. For example, in 2004, the NASA Langley Research Center reorganized and reallocated personnel. This move consisted of assigning workspace to more than 3, 500 in-dividuals and 1, 600 research labs in approximately 6,200 rooms and 300 buildings. Reorganizations of this scale orlarger occur frequently in the business sector as mergers andacquisitions create the need for a top-to-bottom review of anorganizationrsquo;s footprint.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performanceof a tabu search heuristic for finding high-quality solutionsto office space allocation problems. Office space allocation problems consist of assigning employees workspace in aroffice building in an optimal fashion according to certainbjective criteria. Employees can be distinguished by rank( Professor or Assistant Professor, for example) or by func-tionality (Engineer or Analyst, for example)。 In addition.employees are frequently given organizational assignmentsbased on their membership in some subgroup of the organiza-tion. In practice. it is desirable to have several organizationalassignments for each employee which indicates a morecomplex organization structure than a single-tiered structure.

There are two cases of the office space allocation problemthat occur in practice. The first case is the complete reas-signment of every employee in the organization to a newworkspace. This occurs when an organization moves to a new building or undergoes some other transformation,such as a merger. In this case. it is economical to consider a full-scale reassignment of office space. The second case is themore frequent case where workspace is assigned to incomingpersonnel as the result of hiring and personnel turnover. Inthis case, strong consideration must be given to solutions thatminimize the disruption to the workforce. Only the first caseis considered in this study.

  1. Literature Review:

The office space allocation problem is a variant of the bin packing problem, the knapsack problem, and the generalizedassignment problems, all known to be in the class of NP-complete problems. A related research problem is officespace allocation in a university setting. A research group atthe University of Notting ham see references has a series of papers on this topic. These focus on heuristicand meta-heuristic approaches to finding good solutions to the office space all ocation problem. Solution approaches examined include genetic algorithms, simulated annealing,tabu search and asynchronous cooperative mechanisms。 The population based genetic algorithms were out-performed by hill climbing and simulated, computational experiments indicated that population based variants of tabu search generated the best solutionsfrom among local search and simulated annealing populationbased aysnchronous cooperation mechanisms.

Tabu search is a metaheuristic procedure that first appearedin the mid 1980s for solving optimization problems. Ithas been applied with much success to a wide variety ofoptimization problems including employee scheduling in [6]machine scheduling,quadratic assignment problemsin,and many others Currently, a NASA Langley Research research groupmploys a greedy local search algorithm for allocating employees from various organizations and divisions to research labs and offices[10].Figure 2 and figure 3 show NASas initial and final office space allocations, respectively, whereeach block represents a building and each color represents adifferent suborganization.


Our objectives are to minimize the distance betweenemployees in the same organization, minimize office spacemisallocation and maximize the number of vacant rooms.

The objective function seeks to capture the followingcharacteristics of candidate solutions: synergy, office spacemisallocation and building usage, We assume that the syner-gies between employees is greater when they are closer. Inother words, the synergy between two employees is inversely proportional to their distance from each other. Applyingthis concept to the organization as a whole, solutions thatminimize the sum of the distances between every pair ofemployees promote the greatest degree of cooperation andsynergistic behavior. In order to reflect the importance ofsuborganization affiliation, distances between employees ofthe same suborganization are weighted. Therefore, the firsttern in our objective function minimizes the sum of theweighted distances between all employees.

The second term of the objective function is office spacemisallocation. Employees have square footage require mentsbased upon their position and job description. For example,lab technicians require a laboratory which typically occupiesa larger amount of space. Similarly, management has specific space requirements. A penalty is added to the objective function if the size of the office assigned is less than the target size. The penalty i







大型组织中,为部门和员工分配办公大楼和办公空间是一项具有挑战性的任务。例如,在2004年,NASA兰利研究组织针对办公空间使用分配,进行一项大规模的研究活动。这一举动包括在大约6200个房间和300栋建筑中为3500多个个人和1600个研究实验室分配工作空间。这种规模或更大的重组经常发生在业务部门,因为合并和收购需要对组织的足迹进行自上而下的审查。研究最核心的问题在于,根据一定的客观标准,以最优的方式分配员工办公空间。员工可以通过级别(例如教授或助理教授)或职能(例如工程师或分析师)来区分。员工经常根据他们在组织的某个子组中的成员资格来分配组织任务。在实践中,为每个员工分配几个组织任务是可取的,这表明组织结构比单层结构更复杂。实践中出现的办公空间分配问题有两种情况:第一种情况是将组织中的每个员工完全重新分配到一个新工作区 ,当员工迁移到一个新的办公建筑中时,工作环境得到改造,在这种情况下,考虑全面重新分配办公空间是经济的。第二种情况更为常见,由于招聘和人员流动,工作空间被分配给新来的人员。在这种情况下,必须认真考虑将对劳动力造成破坏最小化的解决方案。针对这点,本文有一个研究案例:


















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