Application and installation of ground source heat pump central air conditioning system in buildings
Abstract:The central air conditioning system of ground source heat pump is a new energy saving technology for heating, cooling, non polluting and renewable. This paper begins with the main points of the central air conditioning system in the engineering installation, and then analyzes and studies the background, principle, advantages and installation of the ground source heat pump. From the aspects of low carbon energy saving, environmental protection, safety and convenience, the characteristics of the central air conditioning system of ground source heat pump are analyzed, so as to achieve the popularization and application of the central air conditioning system of ground source heat pump.
Keywords: Low-Carbon Energy-Saving Ground Source Heat Pump Central Air Conditioning System
0 Introduction
Ground source heat pump central air conditioning system is the use of shallow geothermal resources, underground heating, cooling, and non-polluting, renewable and new energy saving technologies, embodied energy, environmental protection, flexible and comfortable concept of new energy-saving central air conditioning. Ground Source heat pump, the use of shallow groundwater in the soil or at room temperature the energy as an energy source, in the underground pipe, absorbing heat. because of its heat source temperature is relatively high, stable throughout the year, does not vary with changes in environmental temperature changes, so whether it is winter heating, or summer cooling, ground source heat pump#39;s energy efficiency are better than other forms of heat pump is much higher. as long as there is enough space buried pipe (underground hot swap device or the government to allow extraction of groundwater should give priority to select the ground-source heat pump central air conditioning.
1 Key points for installation of central air conditioning in engineering system
1.1 Clear Construction Goals
(1) installation quality control, must be in strict accordance with current national quality assurance system and industry-related regulations of the construction, installation works to enhance the whole process of construction management and quality control.
(2) duration of control, to strengthen the sub-system installation project management and construction organization balance adjustment period, the duration of the development of practical control measures to ensure that the total duration of the installation of the system to meet the requirements.
- construction safety, increase security funding, organizational pre-job training, to strengthen safety education to prevent the construction process of death and serious injury accidents.
1.2The Whole Process Of Construction Management
(1) co-ordination with the civil construction. Pipe air conditioning system should be required to set the casing wall, the floor area should be planted through the steel casing, and the corresponding pipe weld can not be directly placed in the casing, galvanized metal casing and the wall should be or to maintain flush floor flat, with no insulation or other combustible materials will be the gap between the casing pipe and dense packing area, the casing can not be directly used as a pipe support components.
Installation of central air conditioning system of the indoor unit, the first to accurately determine the location and installation of standard bit crossed, into the expansion bolts, then re-hoisting the indoor unit; air conditioning outdoor unit weight is relatively large, should be used to channel or concrete base As support, the vertical rods can be pulled or around hanging support.
(2) The refrigerant pipe configuration and welding copper pipes before installation to prevent water entering inside the piping installed after blowing and vacuum dried in a timely manner. Installation and construction should be to keep the pipe clean, using nitrogen replacement welding welding, complete blowing process, and the corresponding air-tightness test. Welding process, to strictly control the quality of welded construction to ensure that the pipeline strong and airtight. Welded construction, should check the flatness of brass cut to ensure no glitches, bumps, grooves and other defects. Welding should be copper or silver electrode for electrode construction, welding temperature at 700 ~ 820 ℃ is appropriate, down or horizontal lateral welding, to ensure that the joint branch of the mouth to maintain adequate levels. for copper brazing, welding must be carried out nitrogen replacement , the welding process to weld micro-pressure nitrogen gas filled tube to prevent copper oxidation (pressure control in the 0 ? 02MPa or so). the end of welding, the copper in natural conditions by boosting the copper cooling insulation, prevent cold bridge and other undesirable phenomena.
(3) The refrigerant pipe connection blocks and flaring. Refrigerant pipe in the wall construction must take the tube head bandaged tightly to ensure that dust, dirt, moisture, etc. do not enter the refrigerant pipe. The use of models to match the bell unit refrigerant piping Flaring with the indoor unit connected to the mouth of the flare in which the depth of commitment should not be less than the diameter of the nozzle size, expanding the flow direction should be facing the media, using special cutting knife for cutting. Flared connection is completed, install lt;lt; HVAC design manual for usegt;gt; the relevant requirements and provisions of the refrigerant pipe hanger installation.
(4) wiring the central air conditioning system, the corresponding control lines are used for shielded wire bundle along the refrigerant pipe laying, indoor controller design part is the way to
(张宏研 《科技尚品》,2016(4))
关键词:低碳节能 地源热泵 中央空调系统
0 引言
1 中央空调在工程系统中的安装要点
(1)与土建施工的配合。空调系统管道需要穿墙时应设置套管,穿楼板部位应埋设钢套管,相应的管道焊缝不可直接置于套管内,镀锌铁皮套管应与墙面或楼板平面保持平齐 ,采用隔热或其它不可燃性材料将管道与套管之间的空隙区域填塞密实,不可将套管直接用作管道的支承构件。
(2)冷媒管配置与焊接。安装前防止水分进入铜管内部,配管安装好后要吹净并及时进行真空干燥处理。安装施工时应注意保持管内清洁,采用氮气置换焊进行焊接,完成后吹净处理,并进行相应的气密性试验。焊接过程中,要严格控制焊接的施工质量,确保管道的牢固和气密性。焊接施工前,应检查铜管切口的平整度,确保其没有毛刺、凸起、凹槽等缺陷。焊接时,应采用铜焊条或银焊条进行施工,焊接温度控制在700~820℃为宜,朝下或水平侧向焊接,确保各接头分支口保持充分水平。进行铜管钎焊时,必须采用氮气置换焊进行,焊接过程中把微压氮气充入焊接管内防止铜管氧化(压力控制在0bull;02MPa左右)。结束焊接时,铜管要在自然条件下通过保温层托住铜管冷却,防止产生冷桥等不良现象 。
(6)系统管道气密性试验与真空干燥处理。气密性检验试验,须采用干燥的氮气缓慢进行加压,主要步骤如下:①维持3kg/cm2的压力加压3~5min;②约半小时后再以3kg/cm2压力加压3~5min;③约半小时后再以28 kg/cm2加压约24h,观察系统管道内压力是否下降,若无下降说明气密性良好。
1.5 总结
3 地源热泵优点
3.1 地源热泵技术属可再生能源利用技术 地源热泵是利用了地球表面浅层地热资源(通常小于400米深)作为冷热源,进行能量转换的供暖空调系统。地表浅层地热资源可以称之为地能(Earth Energy),是指地表土壤、地下水或河流、湖泊中吸收太阳能、地热能而蕴藏的低温位热能。地表浅层是一个巨大的太阳能集热器,收集了47%的太阳能量,比人类每年利用能量的500倍还多。它不受地域、资源等限制,真正是量大面广、无处不在。这种储存于地表浅层近乎无限的可再生能源,使得地能也成为清洁的可再生能源一种形式。
3.2 地源热泵属经济有效的低碳节能技术 地能或地表浅层地热资源的温度一年四季相对稳定,冬季比环境空气温度高,夏季比环境空气温度低,是很好的热泵热源和空调冷源,这种温度特性使得地源热泵比传统空调系统运行效率要高40%,因此要节能和节省运行费用40%左右。另外,地能温度较恒定的特性,使得热泵机组运行更可靠、稳定,也保证了系统的高效性和经济性。据美国环保署EPA估计,设计安装良好的地源热泵,平均来说可以节约用户30~40%的供热制冷空调的运行费用。
3.3 地源热泵环境效益显著 地源热泵的污染物排放,与空气源热泵相比,相当于减少40%以上,与电供暖相比,相当于减少70%以上,如果结合其它节能措施节能减排会更明显。虽然也采用制冷剂,但比常规空调装置减少25%的充灌量;属自含式系统,即该装置能在工厂车间内事先整装密封好,因此,制冷剂泄漏机率大为减少。据测算,若安装地源热泵40万台,和采用“化石能源”比,相当于降低温室气体排放100万吨,和50万辆汽车的污染排放物。同时,热泵空调在每个房间都有单独的能量分配器,可以自主调节温度。
3.4 地源热泵空调系统维护费用低 在同等条件下,采用地源热泵系统的建筑物能够减少维护费用。与锅炉(电、燃料)供热系统相比,锅炉供热只能将90%以上的电能或70%~90%的燃料内能为热量,供用户使用,因此地源热泵要比电锅炉加热节省三分之二以上的电能,比燃料锅炉节省二分之一以上的能量;由于地源热泵的热源温度全年较为稳定,一般为10~25℃,其制冷、制热系数可达3.5~4.4,其运行费用为普通中央空调的50~60%。地源热泵的机械运动部件非常少,所有的部件不是埋在地下便是安装在室内,从而避免了室外的恶劣气候,其地下部分可保证50年,地上部分可保证30年,因此地源热泵是免维护空调,节省了维护费用。
地源热泵室外地埋管一般选用垂直埋管方式,也叫直埋式。直埋式地源热泵施工时所需场地小,节省建筑空间,是一种经济、对环境无害的绿色能源利用方式。它运行时无噪声,可靠、持久,供热/ 制冷效果好,舒适感好,是一种值得推广的能源利用新技术。安装过程如下:
4.1 钻孔 直埋式地源热泵需要用钻机进行施工,要求钻机的钻进深度达到150~200m,钻头的直径根据需要在100~150mm之间。由于钻孔深度较浅,一般采用常规的正循环钻进方法。在我国,可以选用普通的工程勘察钻机、岩心钻机,如DKⅢ-300型钻机、DPP100型车装钻机等。钻孔施工完成后孔壁必须保持完整。如果施工区地层土质比较好,可以采用裸孔钻进;如果是砂层,孔壁容易坍塌,则必须下套管。裸孔钻进时,要求泥浆的密度在1125g/cm3左右,以保证形成比较稳定的孔壁并逐渐降低泥浆浓度(加清水);成孔时,要求最后上返泥浆的密度1108g