
 2023-03-21 17:29:46


原文作者 Anne McMunn, Peter Martin, Yvonne Kelly, Amanda Sacker

单位 伦敦大学学院,安娜·弗洛伊德中心,伦敦大学学院,伦敦大学学院


关键词:父亲参与; 性别角色; 儿童抚养

随着对家庭中性别角色的文化期望在20世纪下半叶开始转变,对父亲角色的兴趣日益浓厚(Coltrane,1996;杜塞特, 2013;Goldscheider, Bernhardt, amp; Lappegard, 2014)。一个广泛使用的父亲参与的概念是Lamb,Pleck,Charnov和Levine(1987)的概念化,它从理论上提出了父亲参与的三个组成部分:父亲的参与,可访问性和责任。父亲的参与被定义为以照顾,玩耍或休闲的形式与孩子直接互动。可及性是指父亲向儿童提供自己,并有责任提供资源以确保儿童得到照顾(Lamb等人,1987年;Pleck amp; Masciadrelli, 2007;普莱克,2010)。Pleck和Masciadrelli(2007)进一步完善了参与的概念,以专注于积极的参与活动,这些活动被认为可能促进儿童发展,而Sayer,Bianchi和Robinson(2004)区分了'常规'儿童保育和更'发展'的教学和游戏活动。


虽然传统的社会规范将养家糊口者在定义父亲身份方面赋予了特权,但目前还没有大量证据表明父亲的实际行为发生了变化。增加时间使用数据的可得性在这方面很有帮助。在许多国家,时间使用数据相当一致地表明,在家务劳动中花费的时间的性别差距已经缩小,但这主要是由于妇女在家务劳动中花费的时间大幅减少,而不是由于男性的大幅增加(Bianchi,Milkie,Sayer,amp;Robinson,2000;格苏尼, 2000;米兰达, 2011;O. Sullivan, 2000)。更具体地说,Sayer等人(2004年)发现,在1960年代中期至1990年代后期,美国已婚夫妇的所有初级儿童保育活动中,父亲与母亲在儿童保育中花费的时间之比有所增加。另一方面,法国和荷兰的一项时间使用研究发现,'新父亲身份'是一种形象,就花在家务劳动和养育子女上的时间而言,这种形象并非建立在男性的实际实践之上(Devreux,2007)。此外,虽然父亲可能比前几代父亲更多地参与孩子的生活,但有证据表明,女性仍然对儿童保育和家庭生活负有主要责任(Doucet,2013)。

父亲的参与程度在整个社会中并不是同质的。例如,随着性别规范继续将男性确定为家庭提供者,并且时间是有限的资源,我们可能会期望父亲与孩子的参与会随着有偿工作时间的增加而减少(Hook,2012)。然而,有证据表明,尽管有偿工作的时间增加,但职业母亲保护与子女共度的时间(Bianchi,2000年;Sayer等人,2004年),以及最近的一项美国研究表明,工作时间与父亲的参与没有强烈关系(McGill,2014)。在夫妻中,父母的时间可以被概念化为家庭层面的资源。关于父亲是否更多地参与养育子女以抵消妻子或伴侣之间更长的工作时间的证据是混合的(Zick,Bryant,amp;Ouml;sterbacka,2001),关于父亲参与与他们自己的教育成就或经济资源的关系的证据也是混合的(Cabrera,Shannon,amp;Tamis-LeMonda,2007)).一些研究表明,从事专业职业的父亲能够更多地参与他们的孩子,因为他们对自己的工作时间表有更多的控制权(Berg,Kalleberg,amp;Appelbaum,2003;La Valle, Arthur, Millward, Scott, amp; Clayden, 2002),但其他研究表明情况恰恰相反(Show amp; Gerstel, 2009)。



证据支持这样一种假设,即父亲更频繁地参与与儿童有关的活动对儿童在整个幼儿时期的认知,语言和社会情感发展具有显着的有益影响,而不受母亲参与或家庭财政资源的影响(Aldousamp;Mulligan,2002;Amato amp; Rivera, 1999;卡布雷拉等人, 2007;Lang et al., 2014;Shannon, Tamis-LeMonda, London, amp; Cabrera, 2002;Tamis-LeMonda, Shannon, Cabrera, amp; Lamb, 2004;Xu,Kushner Benson,Mudrey-Camino和Steiner,2010),尽管与儿童行为结果的关联并不像与认知结果的关联那样一致(Huerta等人,2012)。对证据的三篇综述(Downer,Campos,McWayne和Gartner,2008;Fathersrsquo; Involvement: Correlates and Consequences for Child Socioemotional Behavior in the United Kingdom

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Anne McMunn, Peter Martin, Yvonne Kelly,

Amanda Sacker


This study investigated longitudinal relationships between fathersrsquo; involvement, as measured by reading, and child socioemotional behavior between infancy and age 7 in 9,238 intact two-parent families from the U.K. Millennium Cohort Study, a national cohort of British children born between 2000 and 2002. Once a variety of covariates and the potential bidirectional nature of relationships were taken into account, a path model showed that fathersrsquo; involvement with their children in infancy significantly predicted better socioemotional behavior at age 3, although the relationship was not strong. Fathersrsquo; reading with their children between ages 3 and 7 was not significantly associated with child socioemotional behavior, but mothersrsquo; reading with their children at age 3 was significantly associated with improved child socioemotional behavior at ages 3 and 5. Results also suggested that parenting in the 21st-century British context remains fairly gendered. Both mothers and fathers were more likely to engage in physical activities with their sons and artistic activities with their daughters. Fathersrsquo; reading was socially patterned in predicted directions.


child socioemotional behavior, fathersrsquo; involvement, United Kingdom, Millennium Cohort Study

Interest in the role of fathers has grown as cultural expectations regarding gendered roles within the family began to shift over the latter part of the 20th century (Coltrane, 1996; Doucet, 2013; Goldscheider, Bernhardt, amp; Lappegard, 2014). One widely used conceptualization of fathersrsquo; involvement is that of Lamb, Pleck, Charnov, and Levine (1987) which theorizes three components of fathersrsquo; involvement: fathersrsquo; engagement, accessibility, and responsibility. Fathersrsquo; engagement is defined as direct interaction with the child in the form of caretaking, play, or leisure. Accessibility refers to the father making himself available to the child and responsibility to the provision of resources for ensuring that the child is taken care of (Lamb et al., 1987; Pleck amp; Masciadrelli, 2007; Pleck, 2010). Pleck and Masciadrelli (2007) further refined the concept of engagement to focus on positive engagement activities, which are considered likely to promote child development, whereas Sayer, Bianchi, and Robinson (2004) distinguished between “routine” child care and more “developmental” teaching and playing activities.

Fathersrsquo; Involvement: Trends and Correlates

While traditional social norms privileging the breadwinner role in defining fatherhood have waned, there is not currently a great amount of evidence to demonstrate actual behavioral change on the part of fathers. The increased availability of time-use data has been helpful here. In many countries, time-use data have fairly consistently shown that the gender gap in hours spent in domestic labor has reduced, but this is due more to large reductions in the amount of time women spend in domestic labor than to large increases among men (Bianchi, Milkie, Sayer, amp; Robinson, 2000; Gershuny, 2000; Miranda, 2011; O. Sullivan, 2000). Looking more specifically at child care, Sayer et al. (2004) found the ratio of the amount of fathersrsquo; time to mothersrsquo; time spent in child care increased across all primary child care activities among married couples in the United States between the mid-1960s and the late 1990s. On the other hand, a time-use study in France and the Netherlands found that “new fatherhood” was an image that was not founded on real practice among men in terms of time spent in domestic labor and parenting (Devreux, 2007). Additionally, while fathers may be more involved in their childrenrsquo;s lives than previous generations of fathers, evidence suggests that women remain largely responsible for child care and domestic life (Doucet, 2013).




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