原文作者:Altay Eren; Kadir Vefa Tezel
单位:Abant İzzet Baysal University
自20世纪60年代以来,越来越多的研究对教师的动机、信念和早期职业发展进行了调查,以寻找个人通过什么激励成为教师的潜在原因,如何感知职业,以及什么样的职业发展愿望(Brookhart amp; Freeman, 1992; Malderez, Hobson, Tracey, amp; Kerr, 2007; Mori, 1965; Richardson amp; Watt, 2005; Rinke, 2008; Wang, 2004; Watt amp;Richardson, 2008)。这方面的许多研究受到以下事实的推动:“高质量的教师和教学是发展和维护一个聪明、知情的公民的核心” (Richardson amp; Watt, 2006, p. 27),以及教师短缺和教师质量问题(Ingersoll, 2008; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009; Zumwalt amp; Craig, 2008)。
事实上,在经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)的成员国,特别是在美国、英国、和澳大利亚(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005),教师短缺和教师质量的情况也因国家而异,也因领域而异(e.g., Zumwalt amp;Craig, 2008)。例如,科学教学和数学教师短缺是欧洲国家最棘手的两个领域。教师短缺问题在土耳其也是存在的,教师短缺的领域包括学前教学、特殊教育教学和英语教学。在这三个领域中,英语教学是比其他教学领域(如科学教学、视觉艺术和音乐教学)更严重的教师短缺领域(Batuhan, 2007; National Education Statistics, 2006-2007)。
1.1. 教学动机,职业信念,职业投入和职业发展愿望
长期以来,人们一直认为,成为教师的原因可能是多种多样的,这表明,选择教师职业的动机结构不是单一的,而是多维的(Brookhart amp; Freeman, 1992; Mori, 1965; Reeve, Bolt, amp; Cai, 1999; Spittle, Jackson, amp; Casey, 2009)。在早期的一项研究中,Mori (1965)检验了成为教师动机的内容和统计形式,发现经济、社会、人际、智力和伦理原因是影响北美未来教师职业选择的最显著因素。自那以后,大量的研究,其中大部分是基于北美样品,已经表明,渴望与年轻的儿童和青少年,在以人为本的职业工作,社会流动性,家庭,社会地位,工作安全等相关福利,养老金和假期,与教学相关的感知能力是影响选择教师作为职业的关键因素(e.g., Lortie, 1975; Schutz, Crowder, amp; White, 2001)。在澳大利亚(e.g., Watt amp; Richardson, 2007),英格兰(e.g., Malderez et al., 2007),台湾(e.g., Wang, 2004),土耳其(e.g., Boz amp; Boz, 2008)等国家或地区进行的研究也显示了这些主题的明显存在。
在一项关于这些问题的研究中,Manuel and Hughes (2006)报告说,个人成就感、与年轻人一起工作、工作条件、生活方式和职业地位是影响澳大利亚未来教师教学动机的最具影响力的因素。同样, Spittle et al. (2009)探讨了为什么人们选择体育教学作为一种职业和证明自信的人际关系的原因,体育和体育活动,低认知需求、榜样和家庭是重要的吸引那些选择体育教学作为职业。Wang (2004)以台湾理科研究生为样本,发现先前的教学经验、教学文化信念、获得社会地位和良好的工作环境对未来教师的教学动机有显著影响。Wang (2004)还发现,样本中相当一部分准教师将教学视为一种后备职业。
在调查土耳其未来教师的教学动机的研究中也得到了类似的结果(Acat amp; Yenilmez, 2004; Boz amp; Boz, 2008; Genccedil;ay amp; Genccedil;ay, 2007; Guuml;rbuuml;z amp; ve Suuml;luuml;n, 2004)。例如,Boz and Boz (2008)对主修科学和数学教学的准土耳其教师进行了抽样调查,结果显示,内在的职业价值、薪水、社会地位、社会影响、儿童/青少年工作、社会贡献是影响土耳其未来教师教学动机的最重要因素。尽管Boz and Boz (2008)没有表示他们的研究是基于影响教学选择的因素(FIT-Choice)框架(见下文“影响教学选择框架的因素”部分),该框架最初由Richardson and Watt (2006; see also Watt amp; Richardson, 2007),他们的研究很重要,因为它表明,土耳其未来的科学和数学教师的教学动机至少可以部分解释在FIT-Choice框架的这些因素的标题下。
1.1.1. 影响教学选择框架的因素
上述研究虽然对影响教学选择的因素有一定的启示,但在结果上并不具有可比性,因为“缺乏一个完整的理论框架来指导影响因素的选择和组织,以一种有点零散的方式使用定义不明确的结构,并与个人研究人员经常调查可能因素的子集” (Richardson amp; Watt, 2006, p. 31)。因此,Watt and Richardson (2007)开发了一个名为“影响教学选择的因素”(FIT-Choice)的框架,为“人们为什么选择教师职业” (Richardson amp; Watt 2006, p. 31)这一至关重要的问题的调查提供了一个有效和可靠的模型。框架是基于最近的证据expectancy-value成就动机理论(Wigfield amp; Eccles, 2000)表明一组高阶构造,即能力的信念,主观任务价值和感知任务困难,所有的高度影响人们的学术选择(Wigfield amp; Eccles, 2000)。
FIT-Choice框架包含了先前的社会化影响,包括先前的教学和学习经验、社会影响和社会劝阻。其次是(a)任务感知、(b)自我感知、(c)价值观和(d)退步职业(Richardson amp; Watt, 2006)的更近端影响:任务感知包括任务需求(专业知识和难度)和任务返回(社会地位和薪水);而自我感知是由感知教学能力构成的。另一方面,价值观包括内在职业价值、个人效用价值(工作保障、家庭时间、工作可转移性)和社会效用价值(塑造儿童/青少年的未来、促进社会公平、做出社会贡献、与儿童/青少年一起工作)。后备职业的近端影响被纳入模型的第四部分。最后,将教师职业选择(选择满意度)作为结果变量纳入FIT-Choice框架。
综上所述,该模型包含三个主要成分:第一个成分包括12个动机维度:能力、内在职业价值、后备职业、工作保障、家庭时间、工作可转移性、塑造儿童/青少年未来、促进社会公平、做出社会贡献、与儿童/青少年一起工作、之前的教学经历、社会影响。第二个主要组成部分的功能是捕捉未来教师对教学的信念五个维度,即专业知识、难度、社会地位、工资和社会劝阻。最后一个主要成分由一个维度组成,即职业选择满意度(Watt amp; Richardson, 2007)。最近的研究证明FIT-Choice框架确实是一个全面和有用的理论框架(see Watt amp; Richardson, 2007, 2008)。
1.1.2. 专业参与和职业发展愿望框架
最近,Watt and Richardson (2008)开发了专业投入和职业发展愿望量表(PECDA Scale),以调查未来教师的教学动机、教学信念、专业投入和职业发展愿望之间的关系。PECDA由四个方面组成:有计划的努力、有计划的坚持、职业发展抱负和领导抱负。利用以人为中心的层次聚类分析,将这四个维度整合在一起,定义了三个有意义的聚类:高度敬业的坚持者聚类,包括那些打算把整个职业生涯都花在教学上的人;高投入的切换者群体,包括那些有职业规划而不是把整个职业生涯都花在教学上的人;而参与度较低的群体,包括那些在大学有过不愉快经历的人,以及那些视教书为进入其他职业的垫脚石的人。总体而言,Watt and Richardson (2008)研究表明,准教师的专业投入和职业发展愿望与他们的教学动机、职业信念和职业选择满意度显著相关。换句话说,Watt and Richardson (2008)表明,未来教师的专业计划与他们的教学动机显著相关。
未来时间洞察力(FTP)可以被定义为“未来的心理表征由个体在特定的点在他们的生活中,和反映个人和社会语境的影响” (Leonardi, 2007, p. 17)或“现在预期未来目标” (Simons, Vansteenkiste, Lens, amp; Lacante, 2004, p. 122)。尽管一些动机理论,如目标理论(见Kaplan amp; Maehr, 2007最近的回顾)没有处理未来的角色,但很明显,“目标”和“未来”的概念不能完全分离开来。这种目标与未来之间的紧密联系在学校和教室等教育环境中尤其明显。同样,大量的研究已经证明了学生的成就和动机(De Volder amp; Lens, 1982; Malka amp; Covington, 2005; Miller, DeBacker, amp; Grene, 1999; Nurmi, 1991; Simons, Dewite, amp; Lens, 2004; Teahan, 1958; Zimbardo amp; Boyd, 1999),学业成绩(Simons, Dewite, et al., 2004; Simons, Vansteenkiste, et al., 2004)、学术投入(Horstmanshof amp; Zimitat, 2007)和职业期望(Peetsma, 2000)与FTP显著相关,如下所示。Teahan (1958)在一项以七年级和八年级男生为样本的早期研究中表明,在大多数项目测试(如故事完成测试和主题统觉测试)中,高成就者比低成就者更面向未来。De Volder 和 Lens (1982)研究发现,学生的动机水平与FTP的长度呈显著正相关,研究表明,动机强烈的学生更看重遥远的目标,他们认为自己的学业在实现近距离目标和遥远目标方面,比动机较弱的同龄人更有帮助。Zimbardo and Boyd (1999)研究表明,本科生的FTP与GPA和每周学习时数呈正相关且中等,而现在时间观与GPA呈负相关,说明学生的FTP在解释学业成就和努力方面都很重要。同样,Barber, Munz, Bagsby, and Grawitch (2009)也发现,FTP值高的大学生的GPA更高,而现在时间视角高的学生的GPA显著较低。Peetsma (2000)表明,学生的短期和长期FTPs,特别是与学校职业和未来职业生涯相关的FTPs,是学校投资的显著和积极预测因素。表明学生的FTP对他们对学校生涯和未来职业生涯的期望都是有效的(类似的结果见Creten, Lens, amp; Simons, 2001)。
首先,FTP理论强调未来目标的激励作用,将个人的当前行为与未来目标联系起来,并将更多的价值附加到遥远的目标上,使个人的当前活动比他们的其他行为更有意义(e.g., Hulett, 1944; Lewin, 1951)。相应地,个体当前关于未来目标的行为与当前实现其未来目标的动机之间的关系可能至少部分地受到FTP的中介,这意味着只要个体当前的行为与他们的未来目标相关联,那么这些行为就是有意义的(Husman amp; Lens, 1999)。大多数人类行为,尤其是与职业和教育相关的行为,都是与目标相关的,既定目标也是对未来的心理表征(Elliot, 1999; Simons, Dewite, et al., 2004; Simons, Vansteenki
Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching, and future time perspective: A mediational analysis
原文作者:Altay Eren; Kadir Vefa Tezel
单位:Abant İzzet Baysal University
Abstract:This study aimed to examine the mediating role of prospective English teachersrsquo; future time perspectives in relation to their motivations for teaching, beliefs about the profession, career choice satisfaction, and professional plans. A total of 423 prospective English teachers voluntarily participated in the study. The mediating role of the future time perspective was investigated through correlation, regression, and structural modeling analyses. Results showed that the prospective teachersrsquo; future time perspectives played a significant mediating role in relationships among planned effort, planned persistence, ability, intrinsic career value, making social contribution, and career choice satisfaction.
1. Introduction
Since the 1960s, a growing body of research has investigated teachersrsquo; motivations, beliefs, and early career development in order to seek underlying reasons of what motivates individuals to become teachers, how they perceive the profession, and what career development aspirations they have (Brookhart amp; Freeman, 1992; Malderez, Hobson, Tracey, amp; Kerr, 2007; Mori, 1965; Richardson amp; Watt, 2005; Rinke, 2008; Wang, 2004; Watt amp;Richardson, 2008). Much of this research has been fuelled by the fact that “quality teachers and teaching are central to the development and maintenance of an intelligent, informed citizenry” (Richardson amp; Watt, 2006, p. 27) as well as by the problems of teacher shortages and teacher quality (Ingersoll, 2008; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2009; Zumwalt amp; Craig, 2008).
Indeed, both of these issues are among the most important problems concerning the teaching profession in general and teacher education in particular in the country members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), especially, in the developed member countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005). The picture of teacher shortages and teacher quality also differs from one country to another as well as from one domain to another (e.g., Zumwalt amp;Craig, 2008). For example, teacher shortages in science teaching and mathematics are two of the most problematic areas in European countries. The issue of teacher shortages is also true for Turkey, and the domains where teacher shortages are experienced are preschool teaching, special education teaching, and English language teaching. Of these three, English language teaching is the domain that suffers more significantly from teacher shortages than other teaching domains such as science teaching, visual arts, and music teaching (Batuhan, 2007; National Education Statistics, 2006-2007).
Therefore, this study focused on one of those fields, that is, English language teaching, where teacher shortage remains a prominent problem, with the intention to shed light on the reasons why the shortage lingers on, by capturing prospective teachersrsquo; reflections on their motivations, beliefs, and aspirations for teaching. In this sense, the answers to these significant questions will be sought by obtaining insidersrsquo; perspectives.
1.1. Motivations for teaching, beliefs about the profession, and professional engagement and career development aspirations
It has long been acknowledged that the reasons for becoming a teacher may vary, suggesting that the structure of motivations for choosing the teaching profession are not unidimensional, but multidimensional (Brookhart amp; Freeman, 1992; Mori, 1965; Reeve, Bolt, amp; Cai, 1999; Spittle, Jackson, amp; Casey, 2009). In one of those earlier studies, Mori (1965) examined the content and statistical form of motivations for becoming a teacher and found that the economic, social, interpersonal, intellectual, and ethical reasons were the most salient factors that affected prospective teachersrsquo; career choice in North America. Since then, a large body of research, most of which are based on North American samples, has shown that the desire to work with young children and adolescents, to work in a people-oriented profession, social mobility, time for family, social status, job related benefits such as security, pensions and vacations, and perceived teaching-related abilities are crucial factors that affect choosing teaching as a career (e.g., Lortie, 1975; Schutz, Crowder, amp; White, 2001). Research conducted in other countries such as Australia (e.g., Watt amp; Richardson, 2007), England (e.g., Malderez et al., 2007), Taiwan (e.g., Wang, 2004), and Turkey (e.g., Boz amp; Boz, 2008) has also shown the clear presence of these themes.
In a study on these issues, Manuel and Hughes (2006) reported that personal fulfillment, working with young people, working conditions, lifestyle, and professional status were among the most influential factors that affected Australian prospective teachersrsquo; motivations for teaching. In the same vein, Spittle et al. (2009) explored the reasons why people chose physical education teaching as a profession and demonstrated that confident interpersonal reasons, sport and physical activity, low perceived demand, role model and family were significant attractors for those people who chose physical education teaching as a profession. Based on a sample of Taiwanese graduate science students, Wang (2004) found that prior teaching experiences, cultural beliefs about teaching, gaining social status, and favorable working conditions were effective on prospective teachersrsquo; motivations for teaching.