
 2023-03-22 12:49:28


原文作者 Lisa S. Blackwell 单位 Columbia University

Kali H. Trzesniewski Stanford University

Carol Sorich Dweck Stanford University


关键词:内隐智力;干预; 动机模型;数学成就

青春期充满很多变化,使其成为心理上有趣的发展阶段。青少年经历了快速成熟的改变,社会需求的转变,社会关系的日益复杂,以及新的教育期待(如Montemayor,Adams,amp; Gullotta,1990,Wigfield,Byrnes,amp; Eccles,2006 )。这些显著的变化促使很多研究者将青春期看作是充满挑战的阶段,既能产生好结果,也能产生不良的结果。虽然很多个体,在经历这段发展时期没有经历外在高水平的风暴和压力,但有一些群体面临着困难。举个例子,在生命的四阶段的研究中,Lowenthal, Thumher, Chiriboga发现, 40% 的采访者都将青春期看作是一生中最糟糕的时期,这一比例远远高于生命的其他阶段。

最新的研究特别将青春期早期看作是发展的关键点。也就是说,在儿童期的晚期,发现的问题相对较少,总的来说,这些幼儿表现得很好,自我感觉良好,在学校里表现不错。相反,在青春期早期,青少年关于反社会行为的规范增加,关于自尊、学校参与度、成绩的规范减少。(如 Eccles, 2004; Harter, 1998; Simmons amp; Blyth, 1987; Watt, 2004; Wigfield, Eccles, Mac Iver, Reuman, amp; Midgley, 1991; Wigfield, Eccles, amp; Pintrich, 1996)。 Elder (1968)指出,进入初中(一般发生在12或者13岁)可能是美国社会最接近正式的通过仪式。因此,向初中的过渡被看作未来问题的催化剂。 (Eccles, 2004; Montemayor et al., 1990; Wigfield et al., 2006)
Eccles和Midgley (1993) 等人发现小学和初中情境的一些差异能够解释这个影响。初中的环境强调竞争、社会比较以及在自我关注提高时对能力的自我评估;到了初中,决策和机会减少,而这时他们控制的意愿增强;它扰乱了社交网络和支持,这时恰好是他们最需要的时候。因此,这些改变指出青少年的需求和他们进入的环境的不匹配——一个常见的结果是脱离学校(Eccles, Wigfield, Midgley, amp; Reuman, 1993; Eccles, 2004; Entwisle, 1990)。

学生如何协调这些改变对他们未来的学业发展有着重要影响。可惜的是,在面对这些挑战时,很多学生(包括很多有能力的学生)经历了成绩的下降,一些再也没有从这样的挫折中恢复过来(Eccles, Lord, amp; Midgley, 1991; Gutman amp; Midgley, 2000; Midgley, Feldlaufer, amp; Eccles, 1989; Wigfield et al., 1996)。然而,显然不是所有的学生都屈服了。因此,在最近几年,研究者和实践者对探索什么使得一些学生具有韧性,并且能够应对这些挑战特别感兴趣,相关的研究甚至在这段时期蓬勃发展起来(Dweck amp; Sorich, 1999; Eccles et al., 1991; Gutman amp; Midgley, 2000; Henderson amp; Dweck, 1990; Pintrich amp; de Groot, 1990; Wigfield amp; Eccles, 2002)。同时,迫切需要发现解决这些问题的策略,这就要求理论支撑的干预策略来解决在青春期普遍存在的动机问题。(Maehr amp; Midgley, 1996; Maehr amp; Meyer, 1997; Midgley amp; Edelin, 1998; Stipek et al., 1998)。

什么心理机制能够使一些学生在挑战下茁壮成长,然后其他同等能力的人却做不到?在过去的几年里,一个为了解决这一问题而研发出来的动机模型表明,核心理念可以建立起应对挑战和挫折的不同模式(Dweck, 1999; Dweck amp; Leggett, 1988; Dweck amp; Sorich, 1999; Henderson amp; Dweck, 1990)。在现在的研究中,我们运用了这一模型来理解当他们在面对向初中的过渡时,什么帮助或者阻碍了学生的动机和成就。


相较于实体理论者,研究者发现, (a) 增量理论者更集中于学习目标(指向提高自身能力的目标),而不是表现目标(旨在表现自身能力的目标,(例如,见Dweck amp; Leggett,1988年); (b)相信努力的作用,不相信在面对困难和能力低时所做的努力就是无效的(如Hong, Chiu, Dweck, Lin, amp; Wan, 1999);(c)在面对失败时进行低努力,掌握为导向的归因,而不是低能力,无助性归因 (如Henderson amp; Dweck, 1990);(d)在面对挫折时,展现掌握导向的策略(提高努力程度和改变策略),而不是无助性策略(放弃努力或者坚持原先的策略)(如 Robins amp; Pals, 2002)。因此,思考智力的两种方式对应两种不同的框架,或者说是意义系统(Hong et al., 1999),这对那些在生活关键点面对持续改变的学生来说有着重要的影响。我们需要意识到,相信智力是可以发展,并不意味着每一个人在每一个领域都有着同样的潜能,或者学每一样东西都能一样简单。相反,它意味着,对于任何一个既定的个体而言,智力能力总是能够被进一步发展的。(参见Sternberg 和 Horvath)


研究者开始评估这两种不同的框架对学生学业成绩的影响。在一项关于学生向初中过渡的研究中,Henderson 和 Dweck (1990)发现支持智力发展论的学生,相较于持有智力实体观的学生,有一个显著的优势,就是在控制之前成绩的基础上,在初中的第一年获得了明显更高的成绩。

实验研究也进一步支持智力理论和学业成绩的关系。比如说,Aronson,Fried,和 Good (2002) 对大学生教授智力发展观,并将其与对照组进行比较:一组没有任何处理,一组教授多元智力能力模型的一个版本 (Gardner, 1983)。在控制SAT成绩的情况下,处于培养智力发展观小组的学生,相较于无实验处理和教授多元智力的对照组中的学生,获得更高的成绩。在最近的研究中,Good,Aronson,Inzlicht (2003) 也发现,较于对照组而言,智力发展观的干预有效改善了青少年的考试成绩。

这些研究表明,智力理论可以运用到现实情境,并且对学业成绩有积极影响。然而,这些研究有一些局限性。首先,他们没有考察智力理论在长期成就轨迹中的作用。其次,他们没有考察智力理论的影响对成绩改变的中介作用。第三,他们没有探究课堂动机的改变。第四,在Good, Aronson和Inzlicht 对青少年的研究中,对照组接收了禁毒信息,而不是学业干预。因此,这些重要的问题仍没有被解决。首先,学生的智力理论与他们的成绩轨迹有关吗?之前的研究表明,智力理论和一次性的成绩评估和标准化测试有关,但是尚不清楚学生的智力理论是否在整个初中对学生有持续的影响,或者改变智力理论是否能够逆转下降的成绩轨迹。









参与者为来自纽约公立初中的连续四届初一的总计373名学生(198名女生,175名男生),每班67-114名学生。(由于单个小组的样本规模较小,我们会分别展示这四组的结果。)小组间的成绩(比如说,1-4小组的平均成绩在初中该开始时分别为70.79, 68.49, 74.95, 81.68 )和智力理论有显著的不同。(比如说,1-4小组在理论测量上的平均得分在初中刚开始时分别为4.51, 4.20, 4.40, 4.64);然而,他们没有系统性的差别(即,小组间的线性差异)。重要的是,理论对成绩的影响不依赖于小组。

样本在种族、成就、社会经济地位上都有不同。55%的参与者是非洲裔美国人,27%是南亚人,15%是西班牙裔,3%是东亚和欧洲裔美国人。他们的成绩一般,他们在六年级的平均数学测验成绩位列全国的75%, 53%的参与者有资格获得免费午餐。这四批学生都经历了初中阶段持续两年的跟踪调查。调查每年都获得了父母和学生的知情同意。我们强调了参与者的自愿性,以及学生可以随时退出而不会受到任何惩罚。




成就(基线和结果)。城市成绩测验(CAT),指的是在六年级的春季学期进行的标准化的数学成绩测试(M=38.31, 标准差 [SD]=6.86, range=19–50), 测验所得的全国百分位成绩,用来衡量学生之前的数学成绩。七年级秋季(M=74.04,SD=13.16,range= 50–98)和春季(M=75.37,SD=13.10,range= 50–99)以及八年级秋季(M=73.42,SD=15.02,ra


Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement Across an Adolescent Transition: A Longitudinal Study and an Intervention

Lisa S. Blackwell Kali H. Trzesniewski and

Columbia University Carol Sorich Dweck

Stanford University

Two studies explored the role of implicit theories of intelligence in adolescents mathematics achievement. In Study 1 with 373 7th graders, the belief that intelligence is malleable (incremental theory) predicted an upward trajectory in grades over the two years of junior high school, while a belief that intelligence is fixed (entity theory) predicted a flat trajectory. A mediational model including learning goals, positive beliefs about effort, and causal attributions and strategies was tested. In Study 2, an intervention teaching an incremental theory to 7th graders (N=48) promoted positive change in classroom motivation, compared with a control group (N=43). Simultaneously, students in the control group displayed a continuing downward trajectory in grades, while this decline was reversed for students in the experimental group.

The adolescent years are filled with many changes, making it a psychologically intriguing stage of development. The adolescent experiences rapid maturational changes, shifting societal demands, conflicting role demands, increasingly complex social relations, and new educational expectations (e.g., Montemayor, Adams, amp; Gullotta, 1990, Wigfield, Byrnes, amp; Eccles, 2006). These intense changes have led many researchers to view adolescence as a time of challenge with the potential for both positive and negative outcomes. While most individuals pass through this developmental period without excessively high levels of “storm and stress,” many individuals do experience difficulty. For example, in their study of the Four stages of life, Lowenthal, Thurnher, and Chiriboga (1975) found that 40% of respondents rated adolescence as the worst time of life—much higher than any other stage of the life course.

Recent research has specifically targeted the early adolescent years as a critical point in development. That is, relatively few problems are found during late childhood; in general, these younger children are well behaved, feel good about themselves, and do well in school during those years. In contrast, the early adolescent years are marked by normative increases in antisocial behavior and normative declines in self-esteem, school engagement, and grades (e.g., Eccles, 2004; Harter, 1998; Simmons amp; Blyth, 1987; Watt, 2004; Wigfield, Eccles, Mac Iver, Reuman, amp; Midgley, 1991; Wigfield, Eccles, amp; Pintrich, 1996). Elder (1968) noted that the entry into junior high school (normally occurring at age 12 or 13) may be the closest American society comes to a formal rite of passage. As such, the junior high transition has been thought of as a catalyst for future problems (Eccles, 2004; Montemayor et al., 1990; Wigfield et al., 2006).
Eccles, Midgley et al. (1993) found several differences between the elementary school and junior high school contexts that could account for this effect. The junior high school environment emphasizes competition, social comparison, and ability self-assessment at a time of heightened self-focus; it is associated with a decrease in decision making and choice at a time when the desire for control is growing; and it disrupts social networks and support when they are most needed. Together, these changes point to a mismatch between the adolescents needs and the environment they are thrown into—one common result of which is disengagement from school (Eccles, Wigfield, Midgley, amp; Reuman, 1993; Eccles, 2004; Entwisle, 1990).
How students negotiate these changes has major implications for their academic futures. Sadly, in the face of these challenges, many students (including many able students) suffer declining grades, and some never recover from such setbacks . However, clearly not all students succumb. Therefore, in recent years, researchers and practitioners have been especially interested in exploring what makes some students resilient and able to meet these challenges or even to flourish during this time (Dweck amp; Sorich, 1999; Eccles et al., 1991; Gutman amp; Midgley, 2000; Henderson amp; Dweck, 1990; Pintrich amp; de Groot, 1990; Wigfield amp; Eccles, 2002). At the same time, the urgent press to find remedies for these problems has led to a call for theory-based intervention strategies to address the motivational problems so prevalent in adolescence (Maehr amp; Midgley, 1996; Maehr amp; Meyer, 1997; Midgley amp; Edelin, 1998; Stipek et al., 1998).

A Motivational Model of Achievement

What are the psychological mechanisms that enable some students to thrive under challenge, while others of equal ability do not? Over the past years, one motivational model that has been developed to address this question suggests that core beliefs can set up different patterns of response to challenge and setbacks (Dweck, 1999; Dweck amp; Leggett, 1988; Dweck amp; Sorich, 1999; Henderson amp; Dweck, 1990). In the present research, we apply this model to understand what helps or hinders students motivation and achievement as they negotiate the transition to junior high school.

Implicit Theories of Intelligence: Two Frameworks

In this model (see Dweck amp; Leggett, 1988; Dweck, 1999), students may hold different “theories” about the nature of intelligence. Some believe that intelligence is m



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