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作者:Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research amp; Development Team, Korean Film Council
出处:Korean Cinema from Origins to Renaissance(P358~P340)
在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。上个世纪60年代,韩国电影迅速崛起,然而很快便陷入停滞状态,直到90年代以后,韩国电影又重新进入繁盛时期。在这个时期,韩国电影在数量上并没有大幅的增长,但多部电影的观影人数达到了上千万人次。1996年,韩国本土电影的市场占有量只有23.1%。但是到了1998年,市场占有量增长到35.8%,到2001年更是达到了50%。虽然从1996年开始,韩国电影一直处在不断上升的过程中,但是直到1999年姜帝圭导演的《生死谍变》的成功才诞生了韩国电影的又一个高峰。虽然《生死谍变》创造了韩国电影史上的最高电影票房纪录,但是1999年以后最高票房纪录几乎每年都会被刷新。当人们都在津津乐道所谓的“韩国大片”时,2000年朴赞郁导演的《共同警备区JSA》和2001年郭暻泽导演的《朋友》均成功刷新了韩国电影最高票房纪录。2003年康佑硕导演的《实尾岛》和2004年姜帝圭导演的又一部力作《太极旗飘扬》开创了观影人数上千万人次的时代。姜帝圭和康佑硕导演在韩国电影票房史上扮演了十分重要的角色。从1993年的《特警冤家》到2003年的《实尾岛》,康佑硕导演了多部成功的电影。此外,从1996年至2004年,康佑硕管理韩国最大的电影投资发行公司Cinema Service期间,一直保持了业内的领导地位。而姜帝圭导演则通过《生死谍变》和《太极旗飘扬》充实了“韩国大片”的数量。另外,影院数量经历了爆炸性的增长,从1996年的511家增长到2005年的1648家。 电影院线的多元化,如Cj-CGV, Megabox和 Lotte Cinema等在扩大影院数量方面发挥了决定性的作用。伴随着荧幕数量的增长,这种增大发行量的方法在上世纪初本世纪初被完全认可接受,这使得发行商能够更容易快速吸引到大量观众。在韩国,《实尾岛》和《太极旗飘扬》两部电影同时上映的影院多达三四百家,几乎占了整个韩国的三分之一,这使得这两部电影有可能卖出上千万张影票。因为这些电影需要巨大的投资,也只有这些多元化的院线的建立才能够吸引大财团的资金。
1997年金融危机以后,大财团投入到韩国电影工业中的资金虽然增长放缓,但院线建设还是得到了加强。最终,Cj Entertainment和Showbox两家公司所提供的资金力量不断得到加强。
The Growth and Outlook of the Korean Cinema
Growth in Quantity
Over the past decade, Korean cinema has shown incredible growth. Its renaissance has come after a long period of stagnation after the heyday of the 1960s. With regard to quantity, the number of films produced did not increase greatly but audiences for Korean films surged to ten million people for some films. The market share for Korean cinema was 23.1 per cent in 1996. In 1998 it increased to 35.8 per cent, and in 2001 it passed 50per cent. Although Korean cinema was on a consistent upward curve form 1996,the success of Swiri (Kang Je-kyu 1999) triggered a boom,. Even since Swiri became the biggest box-office hit in Korean film history, new records for Korean films have been set every year. Amid talk of “Korean blockbusters,” joint Security Area /JSA (Park Chen-wook,2000) and Friend (Kwak kyung-taek,2001) topped the box-office. Silmido (Kang woosuk) in 2003 and Tae-guk-gi (Kang Je-kyu) in 2004,inaugurated the ten millen-audience era. Kang Woo-suk and Kang Je-kyu have played an important role in the box- office history of Korean films. Kang woo-suk has directed many successful films from Two Cops in 1993 to Silmido in 2003. Furthermore, he has maintained his position as the leading figure in the Chungmuro scene form 1996 to 2004 while managing Cinema Service, a film production and distribution company. Kang Je-kyu extended the Korean blockbuster film with Swiri and Tae-gun-gi. Second, the number of screens has boomed form 511 in 1996 to 1,648 in 2005. Multiplex theater chains such an Cj-CGV, Megabox, and Lotte Cinema have played a decisive role in this. Along with the increase in the number of screens, the “wide release” method was fully adopted at the turn of the century, making it easier to attract a large audience rapidly. Silmido and Tae-guk-gi were released simultaneously on about three or four hundred screens around the country---a third of the national total---making it possible to sell more than ten million tickets. Because they require heavy investment, multiplex theaters are founded upon large conglomerate (or chaebol) capital.
After the IMF crisis of 1997, the chaebolsrsquo;hesitant advance into the Korean film industry accelerated with the building of the multiplex theaters. As a result, the power of chaebol capital represented by Cj Entertainment (belonging to Cheil jedang Grounp) and Showbox (Orion Group) is strengthening.
Third, Korean films have begun to perform well in foreign markets. In 1996, the total export value of Korean films was around US$400,000. However, in 2005, it was 190 that amount, setting a new record of US$76 million. In 2004,it was judged that the Korean television drama “hallyu (Korean wave,韩流)” was emerging in the cinema too, and the total experts of Korean films showed an increase of 88 per cent over the previous year. Considering that expansion into foreign markets provides the opportunity to expand the scale of the Korean film industry and overcome the limits of the domestic market, the Korean film industry is looking for ways to make the most of the hallyu fever.
Growth in Quality
Great success has also been achieved in quality over the last decade. First, Korean cinema has achieved remarkable success at major international film fesivals. In 2000, Chunhyang (Im Kwon-taek) was officially invited to co