Industrial Marketing Management 54 (2016) 164–175
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Industrial Marketing Management
Harnessing marketing automation for B2B content marketing☆
Joel Jauml;rvinen ⁎, Heini Taiminen
School of Business and Economics, University of Jyvauml;skylauml;, PO Box 35, FIN-40014 University of Jyvauml;skylauml;, Finland
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 1 March 2015
Received in revised form 22 May 2015
Accepted 7 July 2015
Available online 5 August 2015
Case study Digital marketing
Marketing and sales alignment New technologies
Sales funnel Social media
a b s t r a c t
The growing importance of the Internet to B2B customer purchasing decisions has motivated B2B sellers to create digital content that leads potential buyers to interact with their company. This trend has engendered a new par- adigm referred to as lsquo;content marketing.rsquo; This study investigates the organizational processes for developing valuable and timely content to meet customer needs and for integrating content marketing with B2B selling pro- cesses. The results of this single case study demonstrate the use of marketing automation to generate high- quality sales leads through behavioral targeting and content personalization. The study advances understanding of the organizational processes that support content marketing and shows how content marketing can be com- bined with B2B selling processes via marketing automation in ways that achieve business benefits.
copy; 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- Introduction
Recent advances in communications and information technology (IT), and the rise of digital content and social media in particular, are transforming the ways in which individuals and businesses search for information and interact with one another (Dennis, Merrilees, Jayawardhena, amp; Wright, 2009; Greenberg, 2010; Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, amp; Silvestre, 2011). A fundamental shift in the B2B sector involves the growing influence of digital communication channels in customer purchasing decisions (Lingqvist, Plotkin, amp; Stanley, 2015; Wiersema, 2013). A Corporate Executive Board study of more than 1400 B2B buyers found that customers rely heavily on online information sources and complete nearly 60% of a typical pur- chasing process before contacting a seller (Adamson, Dixon, amp; Toman, 2012). This active role played by B2B buyers in searching for and evaluat- ing information online has given rise to a new marketing paradigm re- ferred to as lsquo;(digital) content marketing.rsquo;
In this study, the term lsquo;contentrsquo; refers to all forms of digital content.
We employ the definition of content marketing presented by Holliman and Rowley (2014, p. 285), who tailored the concept to the B2B context as follows: “B2B digital content marketing involves creating, distribut- ing and sharing relevant, compelling and timely content to engage customers at the appropriate point in their buying consideration pro- cesses, such that it encourages them to convert to a business building
☆ Submission declaration: This full-length manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and its publication has been approved by all of the authors.
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Jauml;rvinen), (H. Taiminen).
outcome.” This definition highlights the role of content marketing as an inbound marketing (i.e., pull marketing) tactic directed at generating valuable content based on the needs of potential buyers who have already searched for information on a product or service (Halligan amp; Shah, 2010).
The use of content marketing is becoming widespread in the B2B sector. According to a recent survey, as many as 86% of B2B marketers (n = 1820) in North America use content marketing tactics as a strate- gic marketing approach, and 47% have a dedicated content marketing group in their organization (Pulizzi amp; Handley, 2014). However, existing knowledge on B2B content marketing is largely based on research reports produced by commercial research institutions (e.g., Content Marketing Institute, eMarketer, Marketing Profs), and academic re- search on the subject remains in its infancy. One exception is a study conducted by Holliman and Rowley (2014), who interview 15 B2B con- tent marketers from various industries and offer a number of insights into best practices and the challenges of content marketing in the B2B sector. The present study employs a more focused approach, as it con- centrates on the organizational processes that support content market- ing and their relation to B2B sales. Indeed, the relationship between digital marketing and B2B sales has attracted very limited attention in the existing literature (Pomirleanu, Schibrowsky, Peltier, amp; Nill, 2013; Rodriguez, Dixon, amp; Peltier, 2014).
Understanding the role of content marketing in B2B sales is particu-
larly crucial given persistent conflicts between marketing and sales de- partments with regards to lead generation and management. Sales representatives criticize the quality of marketing leads, and marketers criticize sales representatives#39; poor follow-up skills (e.g., Biemans, Brenčič, amp; Malshe, 2010; Homburg amp; Jensen, 2007; Homburg, Jensen, amp; Krohmer, 2008). Insufficient lead follow-up is indeed a serious issue
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