
 2022-01-05 19:59:50

City Branding and Identity

Muuml;ge Riza*, Naciye Doratli amp; Mukaddes Fasli

Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus


The well-being and satisfaction of citizens and visitors are strongly influenced by the image of a city or place, to which monumental or iconic buildings have a great contribution. The paper aims to discuss the influence of iconic architecture through creating identifiable images on Quality of life. The paper, firstly, puts forward very briefly the concepts of City Identity and Branding with an emphasis on city image, which is limited to the contribution of iconic buildings. Secondly, the paper discusses the contribution of iconic buildings through their meaning in terms of the image of the city to QOL.

Keywords: City branding; identity; iconic building; quality of life; image;

1. Introduction

In recent years cities are in search for new ways to promote themselves. Due to fast changes in technology and the shift from local to a globalized environment, cities are forced to compete with each other in order to be an attractive tourist destination, workplace, cultural rich place and much more (Kotler, 2002). Kavaratzis argues that the rising competition among cities might be seen as one of the effects of the globalization, which is visible in various forms and activity fields (Kavaratzis, 2005, p. 1). The contemporary city has to be up dated continuously. In that sense cities develop strategies to support, to `sell` and advertise them within the global market. Literature survey reveals that there are mainly three approaches for promoting cities: cultural mega events, restoration and promoting heritage and the construction of iconic buildings (Hankinson, 2006, p.240; Kavaratzis, 2005, p.1). Among these approaches, construction of iconic buildings has been extensively utilized by many cities in order to get attention and attraction. The main motive behind this attempt is to create an identifiable image. It should also be noted that the restless competition between cities is strongly related to the concept of Quality of Life (QOL), which can briefly be defined as: lsquo;Quality of Life is a feeling of well-being, fulfilment, or satisfaction on the part of residents or visitors to a placersquo; (Andrews, 2001, p.202). Existing studies (Bigneacute; et al., 2001; Petrick; Chen et al.; Chi et al.) confirm a positive relationship between image and satisfaction of visitors/tourists. A strong and identifiable image would have a positive impact on the satisfaction of the visitors. Since iconic buildings have a great contribution to the identifiable image of a city or place (Jencks, 2005, p.185), it can be suggested that they can indirectly influence the feeling of well-being and satisfaction of residents and visitors, thus there is a relationship between the image of place and QOL. Accordingly, this paper aims to question the influence of iconic architecture through creating identifiable images on Quality of life. In order to justify the relationship between the image of the city and QOL, the paper firstly, puts forward very briefly the concepts of City Identity and Branding with an emphasis on the city image, which is limited to the contribution of iconic buildings. Secondly, the paper discusses the contribution of iconic buildings through their meaning in terms of the image of the city to QOL.

2. Relationship between City Image and QOL

Before discussing the relationship between city image and QOL, it is worth to highlight the concepts of identity and city branding, since for both the image of the city is an indispensable attribute. Lynch (1960) defines identity as “the extent to which a person can recognize or recall a place as being distinct from other places”. Accordingly, identity is distinction which is obvious and visible at first sight, as well as strong as creating images on peoplersquo;s mind even who havenrsquo;t seen it before. Therefore, identity is always exclusive and not reproducible. Each city has a unique identity, which is composed of images and memories that are either negative or positive. The image of the city is composed of the view of urban elements such as monumental buildings, public spaces and other special features. When discussing the image of the city from city branding perspective, it should be noted firstly that nowadays, many cities attempt to promote themselves through the aid of iconic artefacts. From a general point of view, city branding is mainly based on three key attributes, which are image, uniqueness and authenticity. Nearly every city has city branding on its agenda in order to redevelop its image (Kavaratzis, 2007). Branding, mainly developed from marketing strategies, is more and more used for city marketing and promotion, similar to products. Kotler even argues, that lsquo;places are products whose identities and values must be designed and marketedrsquo; as products (Kotler, et al., 1999). According to Ashworth one of the objectives of city or place branding is to discover or create uniqueness, which makes the city differentiable from others (Ashworth, 2009,p.9). The main aim in construction of brands for cities is the articulation of the city in the globalized world. If a city claims to lsquo;workrsquo; successful it needs economical wealth and an attractive image. Thus, city branding has to be concerned with lsquo;how culture and history, economic growth and social development, infrastructure and architecture, landscape and environment, among other things, can be combined into a saleable identity that is acceptable to all people.rsquo; (Zhang ,2009,p.248). As a holistic approach city branding serves as a promotion tool for creating a unique image of a city. Accordingly, the image of the city can be considered as one of the most important key concerns both for city identity as well as city branding. Based on what has been stated a



Muuml;ge Riza*, Naciye Doratli amp; Mukaddes Fasli






近年来,城市正寻求新的方式提升自己。由于技术的高速变化以及全球化的加深,城市为了成为有吸引力的旅游目的地、工作场所、文化丰富的场所等,被迫相互竞争(Kotler,2002年)。Kavaratzis认为,城市间竞争的日益激烈可以被视为全球化的影响之一,这在各种领域都是显而易见的(Kavaratzis,2005年,第1页)。当代城市必须保持持续创新。从这个意义上说,城市制定战略在全球市场上来支持、销售和推广它们自己。文献调查显示,城市推广的方法主要有三种:大型文化活动、恢复和宣传文化遗产、标志性建筑建设(Hankinson,2006年,第240页;Kavaratzis,2005年,第1页)。在这些方法中,标志性建筑的建设被许多城市广泛运用以引起人们的注意力并吸引他们。这种尝试的主要动机是创建一个可识别的形象。还应注意的是,城市之间的激烈竞争与生活质量(QOL)的概念密切相关,可以简单地定义为:“生活质量是居民或游客对某个地方的幸福感、成就感或满足感”(Andrews,2001年,第202页)。现有研究(Bigne#39;et al.,2001;Petrick;Chen et al.;Chi et al.)证实了形象与观众和游客的满意度之间的积极关系。一个强有力且可识别的形象将对游客的满意度产生积极影响。由于标志性建筑对一个城市或地方的识别度有很大贡献(Jencks,2005,第185页),可以认为它们能间接影响居民和游客的幸福感和满足感,因此地方形象与生活质量之间存在着一定的联系。因此,本文旨在通过创造可识别的形象来探讨标志性建筑对生活质量的影响。为了证明城市形象与城市生活质量的关系,本文首先简要地提出了城市形象的概念,强调城市形象中标志性建筑的贡献。其次,从城市形象的角度探讨标志性建筑对城市生活质量的贡献。

2 城市形象与社区生活质量的关系




选择众所周知的具有很强形象的四座标志性建筑,包括弗兰克·奥盖里的“跳舞的房子”、巴黎的卢浮宫金字塔、毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆和Swiss Re Office大楼。通过考虑空间特征(如选址和体量)和视觉特征(如比例、比例、节奏和材料),将重点讨论建筑物对物理特征的贡献,从而讨论形象(OC,2008,第78页)。根据这些标准对建筑物进行评估其是否能成功地与现有环境相结合。成功的整合将对城市形象产生积极的贡献,进而对游客的幸福感产生积极的影响,从而影响生活质量。




卢浮宫金字塔位于卢浮宫博物馆的庭院中,作为新的入口,被博物馆的三个侧翼包围(图3)。建筑师贝聿铭(I.M.Pei)于1989年建造了它,目的是使卢浮宫博物馆现代化和扩建。旨在扩大卢浮宫博物馆的地下建筑,作为卢浮宫博物馆两翼之间的桥梁(Cerver,2003年,第294页)。玻璃金字塔与现存的历史博物馆形成了一种视觉上有吸引力的对比。根据新建筑的视觉特征对其进行评估时,可以认为其与前一座宫殿的庭院融为一体。它留有足够的空间使现有的建筑物具有存在感,其厚重与周围的历史建筑形成对比。然而,通过降低高度和体积的以及它的透明度,它可以响应并增强现有部分(M.Riza等人,2011年)。建筑的规模也是恰如其分的,尽管它是巨大的,但其周围都是涉及到人类的纪念性建筑的规模。在节奏和比例方面,它与现有组织形成鲜明对比,因为新博物馆的可见部分是一个简单的几何形状: 金字塔,与周围的其他城市元素无关,使用材料在周围创造了一个有吸引力的形象。根据Cantacuzino的论点,形式的简单性是一种品质,它创造了与环境的视觉和谐(Cantacuzino in Warren et al.,1998,p.89),因此,从物理角度来说,透明金字塔成功地融入了附近地区。因此,这座标志性建筑是强化现有形象的贡献,尽管它是一个标志性建筑,但它是独特的和杰出的,并且考虑了原本的背景,而没有减少现有形象的分量,并有助于空间形象的形成。因此,它正以积极的方式影响着游客和居民的生活质量,因为它的形象正成功地为背景做出贡献。



3.4诺曼·福斯特的Swiss Re Office大楼

诺曼·福斯特(2003)设计的瑞士Swiss Re Office大楼,绰号“小黄瓜”,位于伦敦,处于城市环境中,周围主要是不同时期的低层建筑。它是一座用钢和玻璃建造的高科技建筑,外形非凡。与上面的例子类似,这座高大的建筑是巨大而突出的,以其高度、品质和外观主导着周围的现有环境,“小黄瓜”的形象与原有的城市环境相矛盾。正如Jencks注意到的那样,“内部空间和结构”比城市背景更具说服力(Jencks,2003年)。它既没有搭配它附近的现有建筑物,也没有融入它的位置。伍德认为,“高层建筑显然不是一种lsquo;融入rsquo;其背景的方式。据他说,瑞士Swiss Re Office大楼本可以作为“现有的钢铁和玻璃建筑”建造在世界任何地方(Wood,2004年,第230页)。根据这些论点,可以说瑞士的Swiss Re Office大楼对环境的物理特性没有任何贡献。将诺曼·福斯特建筑与让·努维尔建造的阿格巴塔进行比较,很明显,它们代表的是相同的形象,一个没有局部或周围环境参考的全球形象。瑞士Swiss Re Office有一个可替换的图像,因此,它并没有从物理特性的角度提高生活质量。


如今,现代社会正利用标志性建筑以在全球化的世界中获得知名度和发展前景。标志性建筑被作为城市地位象征和吸引游客的工具。因此,具有视觉吸引力的标志性建筑在提升城市及其形象方面发挥了重要作用。从所选例子中可以看出,标志性建筑正积极或消极地影响着城市的形象。由此,当人们试图通过上述选定的建筑物来评价时,生活质量就会受到影响,特别是这些建筑物已经根据空间和视觉特征进行了评估。调查结果表明,弗兰克·奥盖里设计的“跳舞的房子”和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔对生活质量产生了积极影响,因为它们很好地适应了现有的环境。另一方面,毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆是一种非语境的方式,忽视了现有的环境,削弱了周边环境的价值。同样,具有识别形象的瑞士Swiss Re Office大楼也没有考虑现有的环境或位置。因此,两者都会对生活质量产生不利影响,因为它们对城市形象没有贡献。标志性建筑是当代城市及其形象和身份的一部分。因此,为了创造和维持同一性,建筑物的设计应考虑到环境和谐,代表和尊重该地方的特点。如果建筑不可复制,但对环境敏感,标志性建筑可能只是城市品牌的工具。不应忘记,城市是独特的有机体,它们有自己的身份,由人、社会、自然和人为因素以及许多其他因素形成和影响(Fasl,2010年)。当从生活质量的角度评估所有这些论点时,可以说,公民和访客的幸福感将因匿名身份和可替换的符号,受到负面影响。在这种背景下,为了支持上述论点,本文以Italo Calvino在其著作《看不见的城市》中对一个想象中的城市的描述作为结论:



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