红楼梦中的女性: 有关清代中国女性的纯粹性规定外文翻译资料

 2022-12-06 15:24:35


Women in Honglou meng:

Prescriptions of Purity in the Femininity of Qing Dynasty China

Louise Edwards

Griffith University

Modern China 1990

One of Chinarsquo;s most outstanding literary works,Cao Xueqinrsquo;s Qing dynasty novel Honglou meng (The Story of the Stone),is imbued with a textual complexity that has elicited a wide variety of scholarly analyses.Indeed,such a polyphonic novel eludes a single,authoritative reading and rather invites a multiplicity of understanding.While allegorical,realistic,and structuralist readings have been undertaken,Honglou meng has yet to be analyzed thoroughly using the methodology of feminist literary criticism. In an effort partially to redress this omission,this article discusses the novel and the greatness of Cao Xueqinrsquo;s artistry in terms of modern notions of sexual ideology.Thus,his article will contribute yet another understanding of novel to the vast body of hongxue.

From the outset it must be stated that feminist readings of literature do not adopt an asexual,or purely aesthetic critical practice.Rather a feminist analysis involves a politically motivated notion of criticism--one which seeks to explore the narrativersquo;s presentation of masculinity and femininity with the purpose of disclosing the ambiguities and contradictions in sexual ideologies.

This article briefly presents the current scholarly perceptions of the novelrsquo;s sexual ideology,which largely praise it as and patriarchal,and then proceeds to reveal how these existing analyses are created in Honglou meng.Both the complexity of the novel and the ambiguous nature of sexual ideology reject a single,definitive statement of the novelrsquo;s patriarchal sentiment.


Many scholars have noted that Honnlou meng is primarily a novel about the lives of women.Relating in minute detail daily life within the inner courtyards of an aristocratic Chinese family,the novelrsquo;s central characters are,with the exception of Jia Baoyu,all,women.In recent years some “rediologists”from the Peoplersquo;s Republic of China have claimed that Cao Xueqin is protesting the harsh treatment of women under the strict Confucian moral codes of the Qing dynasty through his portrayal of the fates of these female characters.For example,Zhao Rong wrote in1982 that the novel is Caorsquo;s eulogy to equality of the sexes and a cry for freedom in marriage,and in 1988 Han Huiqiang described Cao as an advocate of a revolution in sexual.A similar sentiment has been expressed by Western critics such as R.Keith McMahon,who suggested in 1988 that Hongliou meng is a“critique of patriarchy”,and Moss Roberts,who described the novel as “deeply feminist”.

On one level,the inclusion of sexual politics in Chinese literary criticism is to be applauded.On another level,there is tendency,particularly in current studies from the Peoplersquo;s Republic,to embrace uncritically any works which discuss womenrsquo;s problems as feudal,patriarchal pieces.The central issue is not the fact that womenrsquo;s subjugation is included in fictional works but rather how it is Portrayed.

From the out set Honglou meng draws the readerrsquo;s attention to sexual ideology.Several sequences in the first few chapters alone dwell on comparisons between males and females and the masculine and the feminine.These sections of the text are often used to show that the author was sympathetic to the plight of women in the Qing dynasty.Two of the most commonly used examples reveal the overly simplistic nature of such conclusions.The novel does indeed invite a questioning of the sexual ideology of textual “sympathy with the feminine” may not be as one dimensional as they first appear.It may well be that the unspoken text reveals more complexity than the spoken statements of apparent patriarchal.

In the first instance,the narrator says he is writing in an attempt to save from oblivion the talented women with whom he grew up.Cao Xueqin is quoted in the introduction to the first chapter as saying.

As I went over them[the female companions of my youth]one by one ... It suddenly came to me that those slips of girls--which is all they were then-were in every way,both morally and intellectually,superior to the “grave and mustachioed signior” I am now supposed to have become.The realization brought with it an overpowering sense of shame and remorse ... I resolved that,however unsightly my own shortcomings might be,I must not,for the sake of keeping them hid,allow those wonderful girls to pass into oblivion without a memorial.

However,as Lucien Miller wrote, “To assert that the theme of the novel is only life in the ladiesrsquo; appartments is to contradict the authorrsquo;s own poignant complaint and painful lamentation”.The avowed concern for the women in the novel is thereby a mirror for the chronicling of a male experience of life,as the reader traces Baoyursquo;s pathto enlightenment and Baoyursquo;s painful lamentations through the women that are so subtly portrayed.As the novel so often suggests,“everything produces its opposite”.

Secondly,throughout the novel we read how young unmarried girls are far superior to their male counterparts in a host of different areas,including poetry writing, literary knowledge,musical talent,philosophical understanding,and morality.On the one hand,Baoyu is regarded by his teacher and other literary gentlemen as having a “certain meretricious talent for versification not undeserving of commendation”.On the other hand,he is the object of the young girlsrsquo; mirth during poetry club meetings for his clumsy poetic skills.Indeed,in almost all matters of scholarly or cultural knowledge,Baoyu shows less aptitude than his female peers.This sort of reversal leads critics to conclude that Cao was protesting against the patriarchal feudal system.Zhao Rong described this phenomenon as follows, “In the soci

























崇拜变成了落魄的未分化的神圣与不洁净(道格拉斯,1966:7-10)。神圣的理想化和纯洁女性只是硬币的一面,另一面是妓女/ 污染。这一点在廖忠安的文章中得到了很好的阐述,尽管是不知情的。整容谢喜萌所宣言的,“高贵的精神勇敢的离开hellip;hellip;在讨论访问妓院的道德问题时,集中在女人身上。在这里,被污染的人与被污染的人的合并是很明显的,因为女神变成了整体,而妓女和妓女是女神。




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