
 2022-12-03 11:37:24


学号:20121310043 姓名:黄蓉 学院:语言文化学院

论文题目: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Gender Difference in Compliments


参考书信息:Herbert, R. K. Sex-based differences in compliment behavior. Language in Society, 1990. (19), 201-224.


Sex-based differences in compliment behavior


Department of Linguistics

State University of New York, Binghamton and

University of the Witwatersrand

Abstract: Sex-based differences in the form of English compliments and in the frequencies of various compliment response types are discussed. Based on a corpus of 1,062 compliment events, several differences in the form of compliments used by women and men are noted. Further, it is found that compliments from men are generally accepted, especially by female recipients, whereas compliments from women are met with a response type other than acceptance. These findings are set within a broader discussion of male-female differences in speech and the sociology of compliment work. Parallels are drawn between these sex-based differences and differences in norms for national varieties of English relating to the function and frequency of compliments as speech acts and to different response types elicited by diverse functional exploitations of compliment formulas in discourse. (Sex-based differences in language use, sociopragmatics, compliments/compliment responses, ethnography of speaking)

The structure of the compliment speech event in American English has been the subject of some careful sociolinguistic investigation. This speech event has the structure of an adjacency pair operation (Schegloff amp; Sacks 1973:296) or action chain event (Pomerantz 1978:109-10). That is, the compliment event is a two-unit turn in which Utterance 1 and Utterance 2 are linked by both temporal and relevancy conditions. In an example such as

(1) A: Thats a beautiful sweater.

B: Thanks, my sister made it for me.

B is conditionally relevant and sequentially dependent on A. Note that rules of interpretation may be necessary in order to identify the relevance of B to A. Accepting that A and B are linked within a compliment event leads one to recognize that B in pairs such as

(2) A: You look very nice today.

B: Im in such a hurry though.

B is relevant is some unspecified way to A; the use of though in B links it to A, that is, it is not a topic shift. One may schematize the general structure of the compliment speech event as

(3) A compliments B

B responds/acknowledges that A has spoken.

The two acts comprising the preceding event have been treated independently in the literature. For example, Wolfson and Manes have examined the structure and content of the first in a series of interesting articles on American compliments (Manes 1983; Manes amp; Wolfson 1980; Wolfson 1981, 1983; Wolfson amp; Manes 1980). They noted, for example, that compliments display a surprisingly limited range of syntactic patterns: the vast majority of compliments are produced within one of the three formulaic frames in (4a); examples appear in (4b).

(4) a. I like NP

Thats a ADJ NP


b. Wow, I really like your hair.

Thats a neat jacket.

Your eyes are amazingly green.

The manifest content of compliments also tends to be drawn from a limited stock of concerns, for example, personal appearance (especially clothing and hair), (new) possessions, and the results of skill or effort. Finally, Wolfson and Manes suggested that the noncreativity in form and content of compliments is a function of their role in discourse. Compliments operate within the scheme of conversational postulates such as MAKE HEARER FEEL GOOD (Goody 1978; Lakoff 1975), and their formulaic nature limits the possibility that a hearer will misinterpret the speakers intention to offer solidarity and good will.2 Parallel to these findings for American English, Holmes (1988a) reported broadly similar patterning for New Zealand English.

Compliment responses also have been treated independently in the literature (e.g., Herbert 1986; Pomerantz 1978). Despite their independent treatments, the acts of complimenting and responding to compliments are obviously linked in crucial ways. One of the major premises of the present article is that - at some level of analysis - both acts can serve the function of negotiating solidarity, although this claim has rarely been made explicitly for compliment responses. The actual sociology of compliment work cannot be understood without considering simultaneously the whole of the compliment event. The treatment here focuses on sex-based differences in compliments and compliment responses. The data for the present study were collected ethnographically by students at the State University of New York at Binghamton, who were instructed to collect compliments and responses within the student community, in places such as classrooms, dining halls, the student union, and so on. Fieldworkers recorded the compliment, compliment response, sex of speaker and addressee, relationship of interlocutors (if known or discernible), location, and presence of interactional bystanders. A total of 1,062 compliment events comprise the data base. In the following sections, data are presented on male-female differences in American compliment behavior. The 1,062 compliments events in the corpus have the following sex-based distribution:

Male-Male 228

Male-Female 258

Female-Female 33

Female-Male 246

Just as the norms for competent compliment behavior may vary from one variety of English to another, so too appropriate norms for females and males within a single speech community obviously differ. First, some differences in the actual form of compliments offered by females and males are highl



论文题目: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Gender Difference in Compliments


参考书信息:Herbert, R. K. Sex-based differences in compliment behavior. Language in Society, 1990. (19), 201-224.








恭维言语事件的构成已经成为一些社会语言的主题。这种言语行为有相邻语对操作的结构(Schegloff amp; Sacks 1973:296)或动作连锁事件(Pomerantz 1978:109-10)。就是说,恭维语行为是一个双击变化,方式1和方式2都由暂时的和关联的状态相连,例如:

  1. A:真是件漂亮的毛衣!



  1. A:你今天看起来不错。



  1. A恭维B


这两种行为是对之前的行为研究的妥协,在文献上已经被视为独立。例如:Wolfson和Manes首先调查了一系列关于美式恭维语的结构和内容(Manes 1983; Manes amp; Wolfson 1980; Wolfson 1981,1983; Wolfson amp; Manes 1980)。他们指出,例如恭维语对于句法模式有着惊人的限制:大部分恭维语是由三个公式化框架的其中之一构成,(4b)中有例子。

  1. a. I like NP

Thatrsquo;s a ADJ NP


b. Wow, I really like your hair.


Thatrsquo;s a neat jacket.


Your eyes are amazingly green.


恭维语明显的内容也包括一些关注点,如人物外貌(特别是服装和头发)、财产、技能及努力的结果。最后,Wolfson和Manes提示说恭维语形式和内容的不可创造性就是他们在谈话中的角色。恭维语被设定在谈话的假定中,如何使听者觉得舒服(Goody 1978; Lakoff 1975)。恭维语的公式化自然限制了听者会误解说者所传达的支持及美好祝愿的可能性。对于美式英语研究的对比,Holmes(1988a) 概括了新西兰英语相似的语言模式。

恭维语应答在文献中同样被独立对待(例如Hebert 1986; Pomerantz 1978),除了它们的独立特性,恭维和恭维应答这两种行为明显的以关键的方式相连。本文最重要的前提之一就是在一些研究的基础上,两种行为都有着谈判的团结这一作用。尽管这个要求没有明确地用在恭维应答上,恭维语在实际的社会学中如果没有同时考虑整个恭维行为,将不能被理解。在这里,主要针对恭维语及其应答的性别差异。当前研究的数据主要是由来自宾汉顿的纽约州立大学的学生提供,他们收集了在学生群体中的恭维语及其应答,在教室、食堂、学生会等地方。实地考察工作者记录了恭维语及其应答、说话者及接收者的性别、考察对象的关系(是否认识)、所处位置以及目前会相互影响的旁观者。共有1062个例子构成了研究数据,在接下来的部分,是关于美国恭维行为的性别差异的几组数据。这1062组数据为语料库中性别差异的研究做了贡献:

男性-男性 228

男性-女性 258

女性-女性 330

女性-男性 246



Manes 和 Wolfson(1980:121) 提供了一个相对频繁的美国恭维语分析,并制成了表1。既然Manes 和Wolfson 的计划依靠句法结构分类,这些句法结构占了整个数据的97.2%。Holmes(1988a)给出的新西兰英语的相关数据与英语恭维语惊人地相似。通过这样的句法分类,Holmes(1988b) 发现女性表现出倾向于这些表达:

I (really) like/love NP

PRO is (really) (a) ADJ NP (e.g. Thatrsquo;s a nice coat.) (真是件漂亮的外套)

而对于男性来说,他们运用两种模式是以相当的频率,在结构运用上最主要的性别差异主要体现在女性说话时常用 What (a) ADJ NP! (e.g. What lovely earrings!) (多么漂亮的耳环!) 而男性则用更多的简单形式:”Great Shoes!” (好棒的鞋!)


(5)1st: I like your hair that way.


2nd: Your hair looks good short.


3rd: Nice haircut.


在某种程度上,这样的分类方式与句法结构有重合。I (really) like/love NP 这个例子提供了大多数第一人称的恭维,但是被包含在一个更大的框架之中,如:I thinkhellip; (e.g. I think that colorrsquo;s perfect for you.) (我觉得那个颜色很适合你。) 这样的恭维语仍然是第一人称的恭维,最常见的句式:NP is (really) ADJ, 在Manes 和 Wolfson的数据中占了53.6%,在Holmes 的数据中占41.4%。这与第二和第三人称有很大区别,”That coat is really great” 和 ”Your coat is really great” 区分开,后者侧重第二人称。第三人称的恭维的例子较少,人称代词作主语,假定听者(或宾语/相关听众)对恭维语的关注。

语言行为的性别差异的文献表明女性比男性更多地关注个人,例如:Swacker(1976)研究了女性和男性在专业会议上的行为,并发现女性的问题经常被编译为个人术语,例如:”I would like to know what evidence exists thathellip;” (我想知道现存的证据。。。。。。) 对比客观的表述:”What evidence existshellip;?” (现存的证据是什么。。。?) 普遍认为女性更加个人化而不是客观的,对比女性风格的特征,如社交、亲和力、为他人着想、有社会情感的、支持等等,此处希望的是客观的第三人称恭维应该更多的出现在男性对话而不是女性对话中。以下是数据:大约60%(290 of 486)的男性恭维语是客观表达,而女性只有20%(114 of 576)。观察交际双方的性别差异也同样很有趣。


Holmes(1988b:462-63)指出女性恭维语的句法结构极大地加强了她们的正向力,男性所用的结构通常减弱或模糊限制了恭维语的强度。这个结论是依据之前对使用What (a) ADJ NP! 和 ADJ NP! 这两种句式不同频率的研究。总的来说,这两种形式只占了语料库中的15%,并且这在Holmes的语料库中并不能证明男性和女性在使用词法结构上的明显不同。


(6)a. I think you look great in blue.


b. You look great in blue.


(7)a. I really like that shirt.


b. (Thatrsquo;s a) nice shirt.


尤其是(6a)和(7a)与大胆断言的(6b)和(7b)间的对比。众所周知,表达方式可以通过不同程度的强度表达出同样的言外行为。Holmes(1984:153)指出,附加问句与没有用设问的表达方式相比,显示出较小强度的警示。例如:“你最好不要再那样做了,不是吗?”同样的,有设问的指示性话语要比没有设问的话语更轻柔。例如:“把它放进盒子里,可以吗?”对比“把它放进盒子里。”说话的长度与语义的强度之间的联系也被提到,在不同的术语中,Goodwin(1980:168)研究了孩子在游戏中发出的指令,她发现男孩子的指令话语都有命令的表达方式,而女孩子多用建议形式的表达方式,通常用第一人称复数形式,如 ”Letrsquo;s”“让我们”这样的表述。Swacker(1976)假设女性在专业会议上所问的关注个人的问题与其他特征共同体现了女性在问题方面比男性要欠缺专业性。许多研究人员将女性语言的这个特性与模糊界限相连去表达轻柔和礼貌。Holmes1984,审查了固有的问题“对冲”的概念和语言迟疑。


(8)I like X. I love X.

M-M 28 - (M-M total 228)

M-F 41 - (M-F total 258)

F-F 94 47 (F-F total 330)

F-M 89 16 (F-M total 246)

(n = 315; 90.3% of ist person compliments)








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