An analysis of the driving forces of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in Chinarsquo;s industrial sector
Both energy consumption and the growth of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in China are attributed to the industrial sector. Energy conservation and CO2 emissions reduction in Chinarsquo;s industrial sector is decisive for achieving a low-carbon transition. We analyze the change of energy-related CO2 emissions in Chinarsquo;s industrial sector from 1991 to 2010 based on the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method. Results indicate that industrial activity is the major factor that contributes to the increase of industrial CO2 emissions while energy intensity is the major contributor to the decrease of CO2 emissions. Industry size shows a varying trend interchanging intervals of growth along the study period. Moreover, both energy mix and carbon intensity of energy use have negative effects on the increase of CO2 emissions. The co-integration method is adopted to further explore determinants of CO2 emissions in Chinarsquo;s industrial sector. Results show that there exists a long-run relationship between industrial CO2 emissions and affecting factors such as CO2 emissions per unit of energy consumption, industrial value added, labor productivity and fossil fuel consumption. Chinarsquo;s industrial CO2 emissions are mainly attributed to the coal-dominated energy structure. Policy suggestions are thus provided to reduce industrial CO2 emissions in China.
Keywords: CO2 emissions; Chinarsquo;s industrial sector; Co-integration; Decomposition
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The massive fossil fuel consumption promoted by the rapid process of urbanization and industrialization has led to the serious problem of CO2 emissions in China. For example, Chinese economy has kept an average annual growth rate of about ten percent since the year 1978. The average annual growth rates of the primary energy consumption and electricity consumption were 6% and 9.2% [1], respectively. Notably, the growth rate of fossil-fuel CO2 emissions was consistent with the growth rate of the primary energy consumption [2]. Carbon dioxide emissions in China were highly associated with the industrial structure, energy structure and energy efficiency. Apparently, Chinarsquo;s economy was dominated by the industrial sector. The average proportion of industrial value added (IVA) in the gross domestic product (GDP) was 40.2% during 1978-2012. Meanwhile, both Chinarsquo;s energy structure and electricity structure were dominated by coal, the shares of which were about 70% and 80%, respectively. Although energy intensity in China decreased from 362.60 tons of coal equivalent (tce) per hundred thousand USDs to 94.37 tce per hundred thousand USDs during 1978-2012 (at constant prices in 2000) [3], the efficiency of energy use in China was still relatively low compared to those in other developed economies.
In November 2009, the Chinese government proposed that carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP (carbon intensity) would be decreased by 40% to 45% in 2020 compared to the year 2005 [4]. In 2010, both energy intensity target and carbon intensity target were included in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) for National Economic and Social Development, which regulated that in 2015, energy consumption per unit of GDP (energy intensity) would be decreased by 16% and the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP would be decreased by 17% compared to the year 2010. Needless to say, the industrial sector plays an important role in Chinarsquo;s energy conservation and emissions reduction. According to the regulation of industrial energy conservation during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), energy consumption per unit of value added in industrial enterprises above designated size (enterprises with the annual sales revenue over 806 thousand USDs) would be decreased by 21% in 2015 compared to the year 2010, and the expected amount of energy conservation would be 670 million tons of coal equivalent (Mtce) during 2011-2015. In addition, the Chinese government also proposed targets of energy consumption per unit of value added in energy-intensive industrial sub-sectors such as iron and steel industry (ISI), nonferrous metals industry (NMI), petroleum processing and coking industry (PPCI), chemical industry (CI), building materials industry (BMI), etc.
Industrialization is currently the major character of economic growth and energy consumption growth in China. During 1985 to 2011, energy consumption in the industrial sector accounted for about 70.3% of the national energy consumption. The proportion has shown an increasing trend over the last few years. On the contrary, the share of industrial value added (IVA) in GDP revealed a decreasing trend. In the year 2011, value added of the industrial sector was 2918.03 billion USDs, accounting for 39.8% of the national GDP; however, industrial energy consumption amounted to 2464.4 Mtce, accounting for 70.8% of Chinarsquo;s total energy consumption, and industrial electricity consumption reached 3470.7 billion kWh, accounting for 73.8% of Chinarsquo;s total electricity consumption [1]. It can be seen that the industrial sector in China is prominently energy-intensive. Energy conservation and emissions reduction in the industrial sector is the key to Chinarsquo;s emissions reduction and the achievement of low-carbon transition.
1.2 Overview of China#39;s industrial sector
Chinarsquo;s economic growth is dominated by the industrial sector at the industrialization stage. The importance of industrial sector derives from the fact that the sectoral employment accounts for 30 percent of Chinarsquo;s total employment, and that industrial value added accounts for nearly 40 percent of GDP, etc. Chinarsquo;s industrial sector has developed rapidly over the past three decades, which was mainly driven by th
附录A 译文
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
第3章 研究方法和数据来源
3.1 研究方法
3.1.1 分解法分析
3.1.2 变量的定义
4 实证结果和分析
4.1 中国产业部门的二氧化碳排放量变化
可以看出,中国产业部门的二氧化碳排放量变化从1992年的63.64百万吨增加到2010年的1949.52百万吨,相当于增长了2962%。在快速工业化时期,二氧化碳排放量的增长率最高。产业活动效应是导致中国产业部门与能源相关的二氧化碳排放量增加的主要因素。具体而言,捐款从1992年的200.85 Mt增加到2010年的3939.63 Mt。相反,能源强度效应是产业CO2排放量下降的主要决定因素,其负贡献从1992年的153.46百万吨增加到2010年的2116.72百万吨。能源混合效应和每能源计量单位使用碳强度效应都有助于产业CO2排放量的下降。能源组合效应对产业CO2排放量下降的贡献从1991年的2.39百万吨增加到2010年的167.72百万吨。同样,能源计量单位每次使用的碳强度变化对部门能源相关二氧化碳排放量减少的贡献从1992年的12.00百万吨增加到2010年的244.85百万吨。然而,与能量强度效应相比,这两种效应的贡献相当小。因此,它们对中国产业部门与能源相关的二氧化碳排放变化的影响有限。1998-2004年期间,产业规模的影响有所波动,但总体上对中国工业部门与能源相关的二氧化碳排放量的增加产生了积极影响。产业规模效应贡献的U型趋势验证了本文的推论。如前所述,对产业二氧化碳排放量增加的负面影响可归因于所有权变化引起的产业结构调整。结果表明,产业规模效应对与能源相关的CO2排放变化的负贡献从1998年(产业结构调整的开始)的90.25 Mt上升到2000年的147.80 Mt峰值,然后在2004年(产业结构调整的结束)下降到50.81 Mt。总之,产业活动和能源强度是产业CO2排放变化的重要影响因素。由于中国在1998-2004年期间的产业结构调整,产业规模的影响在研究期间有所不同,但表明对二氧化碳排放量增加的总体积极影响。尽管影响很小,但能源使用的碳强度和能源组合的影响导致工业二氧化碳排放量增加。
4.2 中国产业部门的二氧化碳排放量变化